Education Must Know Theories And Studies Flashcards
Structural, consensus theory that believes education system has vital functions to fulfil society
Structural conflict theory believes education system exists to benefit capitalism
Structural conflict theory originally concerned with underachievement if girls. Argue other problems in school still remain for girls
Social action theory that focuses on factors inside education system which could effect achievement of pupils
Political perspective associated with Conservative party. Establish 1988 education reform act which promoted marketisation of education
New right
Functionalist who
Believed schools were like miniature societies which taught norms and values via hidden curriculum during secondary socialisation. Focused on skills provision
Functionalism sociologists who believed role allocation was a key educational function, whereby a students skills and abilities are assessed in order to steer pupil towards appropriate future roles
Davis and Moore
Functionalist who believed that schools were like miniature societies as schools bridge gap between family and wider society
Marxist who believed that education system is a form of ideological state apparatus which socialises children into the ruling class ideology and the myth of meritocracy
Marxist sociologist who proposed the correspondence theory where the structures and principles of the education system mirror those in a capitalist work environment
Bowles and gintis
Marxist sociologist who studied 12 working class boys in Wolverhampton. The Alf’s rejected meritocracy as a con and weren’t compliant but failed anyway due to forming an anti school subculture
Sociologists who
Focused on material deprivation and claimed that poverty and home circumstances can be barriers to learning
Smith and noble
Cultural deprivation sociologist who argued that the working class are socialised into a restricted language code instead of an elaborated code which would enable them to be more successful
Sociologist who claimed that overcrowded housing can be detrimental. As part of cultural deprivation, also argued that working class parents less interested and help less with homework
Cultural deprivation sociologist who argued that the working class are socialised into immediate instead of deferred gratification which would enable them to be more successful
Marxist who argued that the middle
Class have more economic, social, symbolic and cultural capital. Their habitus is matches the habitus of the school which enables them to be more successful
Interactionist who argued that top set students ahve more opportunities and revised access to the knowledge required for success. Claimed cultural deprivation is a myth
Studied 10 black males and found that teachers labelled the majority as rebels despite only a minority fitting this stereotype. Also studied effects of matrifocal lone parents on black boys
Feminist who studied primary gender role socialisation leading to girls developing more advanced reading skills but also leading to gendered subjects and jobs
Sociologist who found that whilst boys receive more attention from teachers, they were disciplined more frequently and more harshly. Also felt they were more likely to be negatively labelled
Interactionist who argued labelling can affect achievement. Labelling a pupil affects their self concept through the halo effect taking place which results in a self fulfilling prophecy
Sociologist who found that almost half of ethnic minority children live in low income households and these children are two to three times more likely to be eligible for FSM
Studied educational triage and how hopeless cases receive less support and negative labels. As well as working class pupils, they also found that black males often fit this category
Gilborn and youdell
Liberal feminist who interviewed girls in London secondary school in 1970s and returned in 1990s to find that the priority shift improved the achievement of the girls
Sociologist who argued that laddish behaviours have increased and spread over time in order to reassert masculinity. She also recognised the development of lacerate culture