Family Theories And Studies Flashcards
Structural consensus theory believes family is positive and beneficial family type for individual family members and society
Structural and conflict theory believes family exists to benefit capitalism
Structural conflict theory believes family has historically benefited needs of men. Whilst some of these sociologists recognise improvements others believe little has changed
Social action theory that focuses on increase of family diversity in 21st century and ability of individuals to make their own choices regarding families and relationships
Political perspective associated with 1980s conservative government. Favours nuclear family and believes family diversity creates social problems
New right
Functionalist who studied 250 western societies and identified 4 functions of the nuclear family; reproduction, sexual, educational and economic
New right sociologist who believed that a generous welfare system creates a culture of dependency, thus resulting in an underclass in society who create social problems
Marxist who claimed that the nuclear family only emerged due to capitalism and the need for monogamous relationships enabling men to pass property and wealth down to their biological heir
Radical feminist who believes that the family and marriage are patriarchal institutions whereby women are oppressed as wives and mothers
Liberal feminist who argued economic changes have led to women having more economic power as a gender quake has occurred
Functionalist who studied the functional fit theory and identified 2 functions of the nuclear family; primary socialisation of children and the stabilisation of adult personalities
New right sociologists who studied families without fathers and claimed that matrifocal lone parent families cause anti social behaviour and educational achievement amongst their children
Dennis and erdos
Marxist who claimed that the nuclear family benefits capitalism by reproducing and socialising the future workers, providing emotional support for the current workers and via consumption
Marxist feminist who believed that women play their traditional role as takers of shit as they absorb their husbands frustration at their own oppression in the capitalist system
Liberal feminist who interviewed girls in a London secondary school in 1979s and then returned in 1990s to find that priorities had changed from marriage and children to careers
Postmodernist who believed that due to an increase in expectations, people aim for a pure relationship based on confluent love. If their needs are not met they’re free to leave
Sociologist who recognised that people are making a deliberate choice to live by themselves as they are seeing this as a positive lifestyle choice
Hall et al
Functionalist who interviewed approx 2009 ppl in London in 1970s and found evidence of a long term trend towards symmetrical family
Wilmott and Young
Sociologist who found that I’m 1980s women had sole responsibility for frequent unimportant decisions whilst men had sole
Responsibility of infrequent important decisions
Sociologist who studied medieval oil paintings from the medieval era and claimed that children were miniature adults. Childhood is social constructed as it changes over time
Sociologist who recommended using the term personal life instead of family as it’s more neutral and flexible. Also believes that people have different ideas about who counts as family
Sociologist who studied the conjugal roles of 20 families in London. 1957 most couples had segregated conjugal roles but there was an increase in joint conjugal roles in contrast with 1940s
Feminist who criticised the notion of increase in symmetrical families in 1970s. Only 15% of men had a high level of participation in housework and 30% in childcare.
Sociologists who analysed police documents and interviewed female domestic violence victims to study the extent of physical domestic violence and reasons for this occurring
Dobash & dobash
Postmodernist whip claimed that childhood is disappearing and is no long a separate stage of life due to the increased exposure of children to media