Functionalism on family Flashcards
What is the structural view
Believes society shapes individuals and determines our behaviour through the socialisation process
What is the consensus view
Believes that society benefits all members of society equally as people share values and culture
What view is functionalism
Structural and consensus
What do functionalists believe about social institutions
Have a function in society and they all have their part to play in maintaining social order
What’s social order
Maintenance of a stable society
What is value consensus
When everyone shared the same norms and values then creates social solidarity
What is social solidarity
A sense of belonging and a sense of community
What is organic analogy
Functionalists think that society is like a human body
What are the functionalists ideas of the body and society
Every part has function helps to keep it alive and breathing= every part keeps society going
Grows and develops over time
All body parts work together in big system= parts of society are interdependent
Fights disease= mechanisms to deal with occurring problems
What do functionalists believe about the family
That it’s important to society because it has functions for individuals within the family and for society
What are functional prerequisites
Society has certain basic needs taht need to be met if it is to continue successfully into the future
What are the four basic functions of the family
Criticisms of murdocks study
Reproduction- size of family declined because of women’s attitude
Sexual- decline in religion means sex before marriage is a norm, homosexuality accepted
Educational- concerns on mass media, peer groups have become more influential than family fuelling social problems
Economic- mother now works, increased symmetrical family, government benefits
What is parsons study (1955)
Interested in historical development of family in order to explain why nuclear family has been dominant.
What is the functional fit theory
Idea that the family and it’s functions will adapt to ‘fit’ the needs of the society in which it’s found. Focussed on role of industrialisation of family
What did parsons believe about family structures
Parsons believed taht in pre industrial societies the extended family was the norm whereas, the nuclear family because the norm in industrial societies.
What was the traditional pre industrial family like
Large and extended Multi functional- education, healthcare Unit of both production and consumption Static in location No oppertunities or social mobility Family for support Work and home not separate Ascribed status
What was the modern industrial family like
Small, nuclear, modified extended Only performs a couple functions Unit of consumption Geographically mobile Move up and down social class Variety of agencies and institutions for support Separated work and home Stays achieved
What is structural differntiation
When healthcare and education used to be responsibility for the family but specialist institutions have taken over
What are the two basic and vital functions Parsons argued the family retain
Primary socialisation
The stabilisation of adult personalities
What is the primary socialisation function
Family main centre of primary socialisation- teaching norms and values which prepare child to take their place as an adult in society. Mothers play the role of nurturing and socialisation in families. Families are part of social control
What is the stabilisation of adult personalities function
Provide comfort and emotional support for adults and allow adults to indulge in childish behaviour when playing with children which should be the female in the expressive role.
Male in instrumental role needs stress relieving after work.
Warm bath theory
What’s the warm bath theory
The family is like a warm bath which relieves pressures of work and contemporary society just as a warm bath soothes and relaxes body
According to parsons what is the females role in the family
Expressive role= housewife
According to parsons what is the male role in the family
Instrumental role= breadwinner
Criticisms of parsons 2 functions
Both women and men work
Primary- the father also now does the process of nurturing and socialisation in families
Warm bath- families can be hostile, domestic violence, child abuse
Same sex families or lone parent not included saying they don’t have these functions socialisation isn’t always a one way process
Criticisms of functionalism
Lesley 1972 claimed industrialisation didn’t create nuclear family as it existed before.
Wilmott and Young 1957 families adapt to society , extended family survived past industrialisation.
ETHNOCENTRIC- middle class American society
Rose tinted picture of family life
Supportings of functionalism
Parsons work on functional fit influenced other sociologists to look at how society changed and how family adapt.
Successfully explains how family controls behaviour
Dominant in 1950s
What did Chester suggest 1985
despite families appearing to have changed since the industrial revolution. Suggested that nuclear family has simply transitioned to a neo conventional family
What is a neo conventional family
Dual earning family where both partners work
Criticisms of Chester
Doesn’t include Lone parent or same sex families
Outdated because homosexuality Is now legal
Ethnocentric- western
What was murdocks study
250 societies and found nuclear family existed in each society either on its own or within an extended family. Concluded nuclear family was universal
What did Murdock say the reproductive function of the family is
Childbearing occurs within marital and family context in more cultures. Children symbolic of couples emotional commitment. Children symbolise marital relationship and family life
Murdocks sexual basic function
Nuclear family functions regulate sexual behaviour therefore functions for good of both individual and society. Marital sex creates powerful emotional bond between couple encouraging life long commitment
Murdocks educational basic functions
Primary sociolisation occurs within family. Culture needs to be transmitted to next generation
Murdocks economic function of family
Parents show commitment to care, protection, maintenance of children by becoming productive workers. Use wages to provide housing, food, clothing