Introduction To Sociology Flashcards
What is sociology?
The study of human social relationships and institutions
What is culture
Describes the way of life of a group of people
What is socialisation
Where people learn their culture from others around them
What are Norms?
The rules or guidelines for expected behaviours
What are mores
Ways of behaving that are seen as good or moral
What is social change
Any differences in the way that people think or act
What are values
Widely accepted beliefs That some things are worth while and desirable
What are customs
Traditional and regular forms of behaviour associated with social occasions
What is a status
A persons standing or position in society based on respect
What is ascribed status
Where your position in life in given automatically
What is achieved status
Where your position in life is controlled through their efforts
What is social role
When your expected to follow particular norms of behaviour based on your status
What is role conflict?
When you have numerous roles to follow and they clash
What is social control
A way of ensuring that people conform to Norms and values so the social order is maintained
What is formal social control
Official control on the basis of written down laws/rules