3 things to remember in neo-marxism
CCCS/ The New Criminology
what do CCCS believe?
identity and style are reactions and resistance against capitalism
who wrote ‘The New Criminology’?
Taylor, Watsona nd Young
what did Taylor, Watson and Young say a fully social theory of deviance had to look at?
look at the structure of capitalist society
consider individuals for example police, judges, offenders and how they interpret actions
full social theory of deviance must take on a hwat perspective?
marx perspective to understand disrib of power in society
full social theory of dev must consider 3 things
1 - circumstance to commit deviant act
2 - meaning of act to the person
3 - effects caused by society’s reaction e.g. labelling and deviancy amplification
research that supports full social theory of deviance is by Gilroy who said…
EM turn to crime to defend themselves in a society that treats them badly
Chambliss studied…
Saints and Roughnecks
Chambliss looks at…
labelling and public perceptions of boys’ deviant behaviour and social class impacting labelling
who were the saints and who were the roughnecks?
saints - 8 white UC/MC boys white good families
roughnecks - 6 LC boys constantly in trouble
rate of deviance the same but saints never arrested as used status and good reputation to skive school and cheat
roughnecks seen as typical gangs members and followed by public and police more
Chambliss says ‘labelling means that _____ ___ will be noticed’
rough kids will be noticed even if actions are not deviant
Chambliss said kids who have good reputation are…
invisible when they act defiantly
what is Hall’s study called?
policing the crisis
what does Hall’s study look at?
ideas of society’s reaction to certain forms of deviance
Hall’s study looks at society’s reactions of deviance through…
social class positions and economic conditions of the time
what example does Hall use to explain policing the crisis?
how does Hall use mugging to explain society’s reaction to deviance?
Britons associated mugging with black males during and economic crisis w/ high unemployment
led to racial tensions rising and more competition for jobs
what did media reporting and crackdown on mugging cases lead to?
moral panic and make a public link with race and crime
evaluation points for neo-marxism
doesn’t explain serious crime
doesn’t look at gender or ethnicity
other subcultures exist in the MC
ignores how the majority of society does conform to norms and values