how do right wing prevent crime?
- situational crime prev
2. environmental crime prev
what is situational crime prevention?
‘target hardening’ where there is more security round targets e.g. alarms, locks
Clarke found.. .
theft phone boxes stopped when changed to steel
what is environmental crime prev?
CCTV, street lighting and design
Painter and Farrington found that…
crime reduce 45% when areas became well-lit q
right wing favour _____ punsihemnts
harsh punishments e.g. 3 strikes and your out
what does harsh punsihemnts of right wing link to?
func - degradation ceremonies where people are shamed publicly, strengthening collective conscience imprisoning offenders means it won't occur again
how do right-wing control crime?
policing and wlefare and family
what did Wilson and Kelling say about policing?
‘order maintenance’
what is order maintenance?
focus on preventing crime rather than catching criminals
right wing focus on _ _________ for minor crime?
0 tolerance and it re-emph shared N+V of society
what does Murray say about welfare and fam?
over generous welfare system encourages feckless behaviour need to cut benefits
how can we evaluate right-wing policies on crime preduction?
- x address underlying cause of crime
- x address as crime moves somewhere else
- Davos - cities segregate and culture of fear is created, negative racial views
- little evidence it works
how can we evaluate right-wing policies on crime preduction?
- x address underlying cause of crime
- x address as crime moves somewhere else
- Davos - cities segregate and culture of fear is created, negative racial views
- little evidence it works