what 5 things do we have to remember for ethnicity diff in crime?
Discrimination in CJS Institutional racism and police culture Evaluating institutional racism Sentencing and courts Explaining high levels of crime in ethnic groups
what 3 names do we have to remember for discrim in CJS?
Phillips and Bowling
Anderson says…
police assume white people are MC and trust-worthy and black people are LC and criminal
police harass and abuse black males on regular basis, seen as inevitable by them
Hall looked at the…
Scarman and McPherson report
what was the Scarman report?
recog social and econ disadvantaged faced by EM and policing issues of communities
what was the McPherson report?
official inquiry into murder of Stephen Lawrence
Hall welcome the conc of it that looked at insitutional racism in MET
Phillips and Bowling supported the fact that nothing will chnage until people are held accountable through…
EM neighbourhood still being over-policed with military style methods
what is institutional racism?
refer to racism within the social processes and practices of an insitution
define ‘cop culture’ and ‘canteen culture’
shared set of N+V developed by police
attitudes and values exhibited by police shows normalisation of racist attitudes
what 3 sociologists do we need to remember for instit racism and police culture?
Holdaway said…
‘racialisation of policing’ where there is ‘racial framing’ where race is/isn’t taken into account when needed, act in racist ways without realising
Bhilox found that…
policing is directed at those most excluded in society
what 2 policies did Bhilox find police pursue?
- differential deployment - conc policing on areas where targets are
- methodological suspicion - only suspecting limited proportion of population
has negative impact on EM, who feel injustice
what 2 policies did Bhilox find police pursue?
- differential deployment - conc policing on areas where targets are
- methodological suspicion - only suspecting limited proportion of population
has negative impact on EM, who feel injustice
Scraton found…
police occupying force on WC and EM, reflecting ruling class interests
how can we evaluate institutional racism?
Waddington et al - black and asian males are not treated disproportionally by police, amount of S+S in line with prop in pop
Glynn - reasons for reoffending of black males is due to ‘getting back at society’ as CJS is inherently racist
police recorded figures show…. meaning that institutional racism is a myth
12% men in LDN are black, account for 54% street crime, 46% knife crime and nearly 50% gun crime
Hood says race affects…
sentencing, demonstrating all other variables taken in acct
what is a statistics that supports Hood?
black men are 5% +likely to be in prison than white people
what is the most common sentence for ethnic minroties and for whtie people?
most common sentence for white and mixed is a community sentence
black and asian is immediate custody
between 1993 and 2003, the prison population has increase by…
48% for white people and 138% for black people
how can we explain high levels of crime in ethnic groups?
influence of culture and subculture, deprivation, exclusion and racism
what does a report from Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons show?
range of factors contribute to high levels of criminality amongst black youths
what factors contribute to high levels of criminality amongst black youths?
entrenched poverty, exclusions, family conflict and lack of positive role models
what did Pitts find?
ME young people have been ‘immobilised’ at the bottom of the economic ladder, cut from mainstream values of society
what did Gunter find to explain high levels of criminality in black males in east ldn?
significance of ‘road culture’ and ‘badness’ influenced by being on streets and housing estates and characterised by vio behaviour, crim activity and low-level drug dealing