Theories - Feminism Flashcards
Feminism statistics
- Women earn 20% less than men despite narrowing in pay gap
-women account for 7% of board chairs and presidents & 6% of chief executives of large companies
Liberal feminism
inequalities exist within values and culture not structures
concerned with equal rights for all not just women & policy change needed - laws need to be in place for women’s protection.
Culture change needs to happen e.g catcalling
- promoting female teachers in ‘male’ subject & men doing domestic tasks
-removing sexism from children’s media
Ann Oakley
- difference between sex & gender
- gender role socialisation causes sexual divison of labour
- women socialised from young age to take on housewife role and so may be less likely to focus on careers
Sue Sharpe
Teenage girls attitudes suggests careers are now more important
Study - 1976 girls prioritised finding love & a husband but same study in 1996 found their main priority was careers & supporting themselves.
Liberal feminism strengths
liberal feminists have led to the reform in things like representation of women, equal pay & employment oppurtunities
libfem criticisms
Marxist & radfems - doesnt recognise underlying and deep-rooted structures causing women’s oppression e.g capitalism or patriarchy or race
- can be over-optimistic believing that prejudice can be overturned by just future march of progress
radical feminism
society is patriarchal and is ruled by men & all female oppression is caused by male domination & men benefit from this exploitation
radfem stats
only 1 in 10 households are headed by females
- 3/4 of divorces are initiated by women suggeting married men are happier than married women
- nuclear family is dangerous for women bc of domestic violence (1 in 4 women) & marital rape
radfem - firestone
feminism is a political movement motivated by individual and collective experiences of women based on society being made of patriarchal principles
- women produce ‘docile independent workers’ so they’re independant but not needing to be micro-managed & the nuclear family does this
Brownmiller - ao2 application
The threat of rape against women became a weapon for men to use as a conscious process of intimidation & so women live in fear which allows men to push them into subordination
sexuality & compulsory heterosexuality
patriarchy creates sexuality to only satisfy men’s desires e.g pornography displaying women as passive
Rich - women forced by men into unsatisfactory compulsory heterosexuality
radfem solutions & change
baby strike.
seperatism - men and women living apart to create seperate culture of understanding and independence away from patriarchy (Greer- matriarchal households as alternatives to nf)
Political lesbianism -straight relationships are inherently oppressive because its ‘sleeping with the enemy’ & lesbian is non-oppressive form of sexuality
radfem strengths
- credited in recognising the dv that occurs higher in nuclear families and when women live with men.
- some heterosexual intimate relationships do involve domination
radfem criticisms
Greer’s Babystrike is unrealistic, people actually want to have kids & population would die out
Libfems argue equality is already happening
-Parsons says women need men because each gender plays specific roles in society that are needed for it to function
- assumes all women are in same position despite class & ethnic differences
-ignores violence may occur in lesbian relationships
Hakim - horizontal segregation
Men & women do different sectors of the workforce
- women go into public sectors like healthcare/education
-men do manual/skilled jobs or upper professional sectors
Hakim - vertical segregation
Within workforce - women hold lower levels of pay or status in the same jobs as men
-Glass ceiling, paygap, women more likely to be in part-time employment or fit their job around their life, not other way round
Marxist feminism
patriarchy suits capitalist system as well as men
-women end up becoming housewives to reproduce and raise next gen of dolice workers & provide unpaid labour (Benston)
- Women are ‘takers of shit’ as they absorb the anger from the proletariat male instead of their capitalist bosses, can lead to dv
-Paid less than men & more likely to work part time
-Women are reserve army of labour - often step up in time of economic crisis e.g in the world war 1, can be disposed of easily
-Less skilled than men due to the education system & gendered subjects meaning easier to be fired by employers.
marxist feminist eval
Strengt- essential to understand women’s roles in a capitalist society
weaknesses - cant explain that there are non-capitalist societies where women are still oppressed
difference feminists
other feminist views assume all women live in a nuclear family & share expiernces but it can vary based on class, ethnicity or sexuality.
- black feminists may argue that black families hold a source of support against racism & white feminsits criticise the family too much ignoring racial oppression
dual-system feminists
combining marxist & radical feminst as one theory & these two things form patriarchal capitalism