Crime - Gender & crime Flashcards
what are the crime stats by gender in the uk
4/5 convicted offenders in uk are men
98% of sexual offences are by men
what were the crime with the highest number of female defendants
tv licence evasion - 75%
whats thesis 1 - unreported and unnoticed
typically female crimes e.g shoplifting less likely to be reported or noticed than violent or sexual crime. men may already be labelled so likely to be judged as a criminal
whats thesis 2 - chivalry thesis
pollak - women treated more leniantly by formal control agents (police force is 65% men and high court is 84% men)
thesis 2 - why are women treated more leniantly by men
men socialised to be chivalrous to women (protective & paternal) by the media. e.g official statistic - women have more bail, less custodial sentences and shorter prison sentences (lavinia woodward)
thesis 2 evaluation - what is the evidence against chivalry thesis
Carlen - judgements are made on percieved appropriate gender roles as ‘good’ mothers and wives. e.g scottish judges found more likely to give prison sentences to women if their kids are in care
whats thesis 3 - functionalist sex role theory
parsons - sociobiological approach. due to biology and ‘normal’ socialisation, women are incapable/dont want to commit crime as theyre nurting by nature. (girls/boys socialisation when young)
whats an evaluation for parson’s thesis 3
dated and sexist - nuclear family & people who dont identify as a gender
walklate - biological assumptive
whats thesis 4 - patriarchal control
heidensohn - women have at least one male figure in their life who doesnt want them to commit crime
thesis 4 - what are the areas women are controlled in
work - male managment ‘supervises’ female behaviour. less likely to be in high status crime, no white collar crime
public - fear of violence, media reports on rape adds to this
at home - domestic duties, control of finances, bedroom culture, dobash&dobash say dv is used as control
what are evaluations for thesis 4 patriarchal control
many women who commit crime do have a strong male figure in their life
this amount of control may force women into crime
whats thesis 5 - class and gender deals
carlen - w/c more likely to commit crime. used unstructured tape-recorded interviews to gather response of young women who engaged in crimes - offered class and gender deals
thesis 5 - whats the class deal
if they work hard theyll be rewarded in life. carlen found those who had this deal denied to them left them powerless, more poverty striken and so resorted to crime. primary factors of womens criminality
thesis 5 - whats the gender deal
if theyre a good mother and wife, theyll be treated well & are rewarded if they comply with social expectations. carlen found most women saw few rewards and were subjects of abuse by not abiding gender norms
whats an evaluation for thesis 5 class and gender deal
sees women’s behaviour as too determined by external factors, undermines free will. carlens sample was small, only focused on w/c making it reductionist
whats hirschl’s bonds of attachment
women have more commitment to family and men have more involvement in society so have more oppurtunity to commit crime.
whats thesis 6 - the liberation thesis
adler - women now becoming much more equal in society with men & are committing just as much or same amount of crime as men
thesis 6 - why are women committing more crime
patriarchal control weakened in areas like work, home, public and so committing more crimes like white collar, domestic abuse & violence.
thesis 6 - whats evidence women are committing more crimes
female offending risen since 2nd half of the 20th century and are undertaking ‘male orientated’ crimes. female only gangs
what are negative evaluations of thesis 6
w/c women less likely to be affected by lib movement
female crime rose before the liberation movement
are women committing more crimes - moral panic about girls
media sensationalisation of women acting disorderly influences members of cjs & sentencing
are women committing more crimes - gender and victimisation
homocide victims more likely to be male, women more likely to be victim by their partners.
women more likely victims of intimate violence
are women committing more crimes - criminalisation of females
victim surveys dont match police statistics in relation to women
more women caught in the ‘net widening’ of less serious violent crimes
why do men commit more crime - what does messerschmidt argue
masculinity is a social construct that men constantly work towards constructing & presenting to others
why do men commit more crime - what does messerschmidt say about hegemonic masculinity
dominant form of masculinity that is privileged and upheld by society - factors like strength, courage, aggression, and the ability to provide and protect
why do men commit more crime - what does messerschmidt say about subordinate masculinity
men who have no desire to adopt hegemonic masculinity
why do men commit more crime - how does masculinity lead to crime according to messerschmidt
women becoming focused on gaining careers men now feel that their position as the breadwinners is under threat and has undermined their masculinity so in order to try to maintain their masculinity men now seek status through crime
messerschmidt , men and crime - how do white m/c use crime to gain masculinity
subordination in school can lead to their masculinity being found outside of school via minor deviance (drugs, drinking, vandalism)
messerschmidt , men and crime - how do white w/c use crime to gain masculinity
less chance of educational success so they may be deviant in and out of school
messerschmidt , men and crime - how do black w/c use crime to gain masculinity
have less expectations of reasonable jobs bc of racism so may use gangs to express masculinity or property crime for material success
whats an evaluation of messerschmidt
doesnt explain why men commit ‘non-masculine’ crimes such as tax evasion
deterministic - not all men commit crimes to achieve masculinity
what does winlow say about globalisation impact on male crime
shift to a de-industrialised post modern society led to a loss in traditional manual jobs that the w/c expressed their masculinity via hard labour
what did the shift from industrialised modern society do to masculinity
crisis of masculinity meant they had to assert their dominance through other forms
what did winlow find in his study in sunderland
service sector expanded - found bouncers had oppurtunity for paid work, access to illegal businesses and ways to express masc through violence
whats body capital
value assigned to the appearance of being physically strong - this gave them status & more money as it was a gateway to disorganised criminal activity e.g smuggling alcohol
whats an evaluation of winlow
bodily capital no longer reserved to males - increasing female body builders & 1/3 of door supervisers now female