Crime - Gender & crime Flashcards
what are the crime stats by gender in the uk
4/5 convicted offenders in uk are men
98% of sexual offences are by men
what were the crime with the highest number of female defendants
tv licence evasion - 75%
whats thesis 1 - unreported and unnoticed
typically female crimes e.g shoplifting less likely to be reported or noticed than violent or sexual crime. men may already be labelled so likely to be judged as a criminal
whats thesis 2 - chivalry thesis
pollak - women treated more leniantly by formal control agents (police force is 65% men and high court is 84% men)
thesis 2 - why are women treated more leniantly by men
men socialised to be chivalrous to women (protective & paternal) by the media. e.g official statistic - women have more bail, less custodial sentences and shorter prison sentences (lavinia woodward)
thesis 2 evaluation - what is the evidence against chivalry thesis
Carlen - judgements are made on percieved appropriate gender roles as ‘good’ mothers and wives. e.g scottish judges found more likely to give prison sentences to women if their kids are in care
whats thesis 3 - functionalist sex role theory
parsons - sociobiological approach. due to biology and ‘normal’ socialisation, women are incapable/dont want to commit crime as theyre nurting by nature. (girls/boys socialisation when young)
whats an evaluation for parson’s thesis 3
dated and sexist - nuclear family & people who dont identify as a gender
walklate - biological assumptive
whats thesis 4 - patriarchal control
heidensohn - women have at least one male figure in their life who doesnt want them to commit crime
thesis 4 - what are the areas women are controlled in
work - male managment ‘supervises’ female behaviour. less likely to be in high status crime, no white collar crime
public - fear of violence, media reports on rape adds to this
at home - domestic duties, control of finances, bedroom culture, dobash&dobash say dv is used as control
what are evaluations for thesis 4 patriarchal control
many women who commit crime do have a strong male figure in their life
this amount of control may force women into crime
whats thesis 5 - class and gender deals
carlen - w/c more likely to commit crime. used unstructured tape-recorded interviews to gather response of young women who engaged in crimes - offered class and gender deals
thesis 5 - whats the class deal
if they work hard theyll be rewarded in life. carlen found those who had this deal denied to them left them powerless, more poverty striken and so resorted to crime. primary factors of womens criminality
thesis 5 - whats the gender deal
if theyre a good mother and wife, theyll be treated well & are rewarded if they comply with social expectations. carlen found most women saw few rewards and were subjects of abuse by not abiding gender norms
whats an evaluation for thesis 5 class and gender deal
sees women’s behaviour as too determined by external factors, undermines free will. carlens sample was small, only focused on w/c making it reductionist