Theories And Therapies Slide Flashcards
What you think and how you feel
Is actually putting thoughts to action and discriminating against someone
Mental health
State of well being in which individual realizes potential copes w normal stresses works productively contributes to community
Successful , can perform of mental and emotional functioning
Ability to recover from or adjust successfully to stressors , loss, trauma
Defense mechanisms Freud /psychoanalytic
Unconscious mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious
Ex during the oedipus complex aggressive thoughts about the same sex parents are repressed
( so they do not realize that they are doing it)
Denial involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it
( they do know that they are doing it semi conscious vs conscious)
Ex. Smokers may refuse to admit to themselves tat smoking is bad for their health
This involves, individuals attributing their own unacceptable thoughts, feeling and motives to another person. ( thinking someone may not like you , but when really it’s you that dont like them)
Ex. You might hate someone, but your superego tells you that such hatred is unacceptable. You can ‘solve’ the problem by believing that they hate you
Satisfying an impulse (e.g aggression) with a substitute object
Ex. Someone who is frustrated by his or her boss at work may go one and kick the dog
This is a movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress
Ex. A child may begin to such their thumb again or wet the bed when they need to spend some time in the hospital
Conscious - Freud
Lies immediately below the service but it is accessible and not completely repressed
Unconscious Freud
Is totally repressed
So unbearable and traumatic that the person cannot remember it
ID- Freud
Pleasure seeking , primitive , impulsive, and it wants immediate gratification
“Let’s go do that its fun. We dont care about the consequences”
EGO- Freud
Problem solver , uses defense mechanism , where self esteem resides and perception of self
Super ego Freud
Morality part of personality, conscience, sense of right and wrong
Free association- Freud/psychoanalytic therapy
Patient talks about whatever they want
Psychoanalytic therapy
Last years
Can be emotionally painful
Free association
Doctor knows best
Also includes on the left
Therapeutic relationship
Putting pt feelings as priority
More up to date, current than the psychoanalytic
Pt may project feelings on therapist
( if therapist is male and pt is female , female may be reminded of dad. If it is positive or negative it is projected onto the therapist)
Therapist unconscious response to pt ( emotional response) may not realize that they are doing it
Therapist must remain professional
Substituting an impulse for something else
Ex. Instead of fighting you go workout
You are channeling socially unacceptable behavior to socially acceptable behavior
13 cognitive distortions
Overgeneralization, mental filters, discounting the positive,
Jumping to conclusions, mind reading, predictive thinking,
Magnification, emotional reasoning, ‘should&must’ statements,
Labeling, personalization and blame, catastrophizing,
Black and white thinking
Person might think i have a flat tire every time I drive ( enough evidence that nothing will ever go right again )
Black and white thinking
No in between. It is either good or bad
Have a label for self and others (like Overgeneralization but it has to do with a person and not a situation)
Mental filter
Focusing on negative detail or bad even and allowing it to tank everything else
Discounting the positive
Something could be positive and fun or joyful and the person rejects the positive ( positive point is irrelevant, inaccurate, or accidental)
Jumping to conclusion
Negative interpretation despite little or no supportive evidence
Mind reading
Inferring negative thoughts or response on others
Predictive thinking
Anticipating things will turn out badly as an established fact ( going to the party and just know its going to be bad)
Magnification and minimizing
Exaggerating the importance o something (like a failure or success)
More extreme than magnification
Very worst is assumed to be probable outcome
Emotional reasoning
Drawing a conclusion based on emotional state ( making a huge decision you may regret later)
Should/must statements
Rigid self directives that presume an unrealistic amount of control over external events ( everything is your fault or is on your shoulders)
Personalization and blame
Assuming responsibility for external even that is likely out of self control
Biological therapy
Correcting hormone imbalances
Regulating deficient diets
Balancing inadequate sleep patterns
Electroconvulsive therapy ECT
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation rTMS
Magnetic seizure therapy vagus nerve stimulation MST
Deep brain stimulation DBS
Psychostimulants can include what
Psychopharmacology for mental disorders
Mood stabilizers
What hormones can effect moods and can be corrected?
Thyroid and cortisol
Ways we can correct diets as treatment for mental disorders
Regulating sugar- by eating avocados
And regulating stress by adding vit C
And adding vitamins we may lack
What happens when people get little sleep and what happens after days without it?
Effects the way of thinking
And they may start hallucinating
ECT -electroconvulsive therapy
Changes the brain chemistry with generalized seizures and uses electricity
.rTMS - repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Delivers rapidly pulse magnetic fields to the cerebral cortex and it activates neurons
Magnetic seizure therapy (MST)
Also produces seizures but it is more focal and its high frequency of electronic stimulation (so no electricity)
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)
Stimulates vagus nerve which results in improved levels of neurotransmitters
Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
Surgically planned electrodes that implanted electrodes that stimulates certain parts of the brain
Hildegard Peplau
Interpersonal relationships in nursing strongly influenced the outcome of the pt
(Mild anxiety, moderate anxiety , severe anxiety, panic anxiety)
sitting or watching tv with pt .. presence is everything
Autocratic leader
Controls every aspect of the group
Democratic leader
Supports extensive group interaction/problem solving
Lazier-fair- leader
Allows group to take control and to behave however they want and does not attempt to control the direction of the group
Giving help to others
Feeling connected and belonging
Interpersonal learning
Learning from other members
Recieving help and advice
Releasing feelings and emotions
Modeling after member or leader
Family reenactment
Testing new behavior in a safe environment
self understanding
Gaining persona insight
instillation of hope
Feeling hopeful about ones life
Feeling that one is not alone
existential factors
Coming to understand what life is all about