Personality Disorder Flashcards
How we perceive and interact with the world
Manipulates staff and others
Driving a wedge between staff ( sometimes people with borderline personality disorder think of splitting as of splitting off of reality ( description of disassociation)
Stable personality
Enduring patterns that are flexible and adaptive
Pathologic personality
Enduring patterns that are inflexible and maladaptive
Brittle, hard to move on and recover
Common psychological influence on personality
Childhood trauma
Personality patterns
Affective of personality pattern
Emotional response
Are we labile? Are we appropiate?
Social / interpersonal of personal pattern
How we relate to others
Are style
Behaviors of personality pattern
How we respond to a situation (stress)
Impulse control? Immature coping? Delay of self gratification?
Cognition of personality pattern
Perception and thinking
Without PD what are thoughts (cognition) like
Accurate perception and interpretation of events
With P/d what are thoughts (cognition) like
Inaccurate perception and interpretation of events
A person with PD is ego-syntonic when it comes to their social trait. What does this mean
In tuned with one self and only seeing things in one perspective
Why is treatment resistant to someone with PD
They don’t perceive a problem or have insight so it is hard to get them on board with treatment that they don’t think they need
what does someone with a personality disorder at high risk for?
Suicide, divorces and seperation
Increase involvement with law enforcement
Cluster A
Paranoid PPD
Schizoid SZPD
schizotypical STPD
Cluster b
Anitsocial (ASPD)
Borderline (BPD)
Histrionic HPD)
Narcisstic NPD)
Cluster C
Avoidant (AVPD)
Dependent (DPD)
Obsessive compulsive (OCPD)
What is cluster A known as
Odd & eccentric traits
Where we have the spectrum of schizophrenic personality disorders
Cluster B what is it known as
B is for big
Dramatic , emotional, erratic
big behaviors , big emotion, big manipulation
What is cluster C known for
Anxious and fearful
Inadequacy traits
Wimpy and weaker group
Diminished sense of self
Commonly seen symptoms of cluster A
Odd or eccentric behavior
Don’t have a big affect and have to work to get them to talk to you and trust you
Cluster b commonly seen symptoms
Dramatic , emotional behavior
Attention seeking
Increased rates of substance abuse and suciide*
Changes from one big emotion to another quickly
Cluster c common symptoms
Anxious fearful behavior
( anxiety and fear is very prominent
Descriptive domain
Affective domain
Emotional expression
Ability to empathize
How do they express their emotions? Appropriate?
Can they empathize and to what extent?
Cognitive domain
Thoughts and perception
Motivation for actions
How and what people think about
How are they able to perceive and interpret ?
What motivates them to do stuff ? What motivates others?
Common therapies for personality disorders
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Helpful for coming up with healthy positive behaviors to replace negative
DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy )
Helps with develop behavioral skills to tolerate stress and regulate emotions and work on emotion disregualation.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Thinking about unconscious thoughts and behavior
Helps with impulse control
Teaching about illness , coping strategies and problem solving skills
Meds to treat personality disorder
Antidepressants SSRI
Mood stablizer - gabapentin
Antianxiety meds
Antipsychotic meds
What are SSRI used to treat for personality disorder
Depress mood, anger, irritability , hopelessness,
What is the mood stablizer gabapentin used to treat
Mood swings
What is a low dose antipsychotic Alaznzpine used to treat in personality disorder
Helpful with disassociation,psychosis, anger probs
What is important to keep in mind when administering meds for personality disorder
Don’t help with personality , just treat for symptom relief
Why are antianxiolytics not first line in treating personality disorders?
It can increase impulsive behavior