Theories and Theorists Flashcards
Follow the Child
Montessori. Multi age groups of students based on period of development. 3 Stages to the learning process- Intro by lecture lesson experience; dev understanding thru experiment; knowing- able to teach/take test w confidence.
Assertive Discipline
Canter. Teacher sets clear expectations for behavior and follow thru with consequences consistently. Students obey or face consequences.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, Remembering. 3 Domains of Edu activities- cognitive, affective (attitude), skills (psychomotor)
Operant Conditioning
Skinner- Basis of Behavioral Learning- learning is a function of change in behavior . Changes are responses to events. When response is reinforced by rewards student becomes conditioned to respond that way.
Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow- Lower need to be met 1st. Physiological, Safety, Love, Esteem leads to self actualization people who achieve first 4 can max potential for learning
Theory of Moral Dev
Kholberg- 1. Pre Con- obedience and punishment. 2. Pre Con- individualism, (not just 1 right view). 3. Conv- good boy/girl (people should live up to moral standard). 4. Conv- law and order (rules of society). 5. Post Con- social contract 6. Post Con- principled conscience (working toward concept of good society)
Supportive and Preventative Discipline; “sane messaging”
Ginnot- class atmosphere, describe the issue and events of concern. Attempts to leave students self esteem intact consider and dev solution w support
Learning thru Experience
Dewey- Individual, free activity, experiences. School is a social institution and process of living not to prepare for future living, Kids to be prob solvers by helping to learn to think. students are active decision makers
Kounin- teachers must have awareness of classroom, pace lessons smooth transitions
3 Levels of Culture
Hidalgo- Concrete- surface level-clothes,music games. Behavioral-social roles, lang. Symbolic- values and beliefs,customs religion
Multiple Intelligences
Gardner- Verbal, Logical, Visual, Spatial, Bodily, Music, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Nature
Direct Instruction
Hunter- pts of a lesson- objectives, standards of perform, anticipatory set, teaching. guided practice, lesson closure, extended practice
2 Types of Misbehavior
Jones- Talking (80%) Goofing off (20%). To keep kids on task- body language, incentive systems, efficient indiv help for students
Discovery Learning and Constructivism
Bruner- learning=active process, learners construct new ideas based on prior knowledge. Constructivist- students ability to solve real life prob and make meaning thru reflection. Discov Learning- teaching methods that enable students to discover info
Stages of the Ethic of Care
Gilligan-moral dev of women. Pre Con- indiv, survival. Conv- self sacrifice is goodness, Post Con- principle of non-violence
Funds of Knowledge
Moll- teachers should seek and use outside knowledge, families etc.
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov-basis of behavioral learning, response to an unconditioned stimulus (natural), dogs salivating
8 Stages of Human Dev
Erikson. Infancy- trust v mistrust. Toddler- autonomy v guilt. Early Ch- initiative v guilt. Element and MS- competence v inferiority. Adoles-ID v Role Confusion. Yng Adult- Intimacy v isolation. Mid Adult.- generatively v stagnation. Late Adult- integrity v despair
Stages of Cognitive Development
Piaget- Sensorimotor. Pre-operational-o/ view world as they do. Concrete op-reason logically, converse and reverse operations. Formal Op- reason in hypothetical and abstract thought.
Zone of Proximal Development
Vgotsky-interactions influence cog dev. Area b/w what kids can do independently and what the goal is- what they can do with teacher assistance teacher provides support to build them up.
Advanced Organizer
Ausubel-Intro before learning begins. designed to help students link prior knowledge
Choice and Control Theory
Glasser- focus on student behavior, not the student when resolving conflicts, use class meetings. student say in curric, ownership of learning and safe space.
Social Learning Theory
Bandura- Modeling, kids learn through observing others