theology II unit 7 test review Flashcards
After 40 days on Earth, what did Jesus do?
he gathered his disciples and told them about the coming of the Holy Spirit, and commanded them to evangelize all people
When Jesus told his apostles about the coming of the Holy Spirit and commanded them to evangelize, what where the Apostles able to do?
they were able to be the shepherds of the Church
what does the #12 coincide with?
Tribes of Isareal
Who was chosen to replace Judas?
short answer:
what was the criteria to be an apostle? Why is it important?
to be an Apostle, they had to have been with Jesus since his Baptism. This is important because if they had been a follower of his for that long, then it showed that they truly believed in him and in his works.
How many days after the Resurrection did Pentecost occur?
t or f
Pentecost is also a Jewish Holiday
true, since it marks their 50 days after leaving Egypt, when Moses and the Israelites reached Mt. Sinai
t or f
the holy spirit descended on the Apostles during Pentecost, and it transformed them from a group of fearful men, into bold evangelists.
t or f
When the apostles had the Holy Spirit descend on them, it gave each of them the ability to preach and evangelize in a different tounge
What does the apostles being able to speak in different tongues thanks to the Holy Spirit symbolize?
it symbolizes that the Gospel will go out into the ends of the Earth
Who proclaims to the crowd of people that the Messiah had come?
St. Peter
What did St. peter tell people when he proclaimed that the messiah had come?
He told them to repent and be baptized
how many people got baptized on Pentecost?
What does Pentecost mark the beginning of?
It marks the beginning of the Church’s public ministry in the world
short answer:
in what 2 ways does the Holy Spirit continue to work in the Church?
- sacred scripture= inspired the human authors
- through special graces=charisms
What did Christ declare Peter to be when he was still on Earth?
the rock, and established him as the leader of the Church
In which book of the Bible does Peter perform his first miracle?
What authority did Peter possess?
He possesed the authority of the King of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
who is also refered to as the vicar of Christ?
what is the vicar of Christ from the latin word vicarus mean?
in the person of
what sign of the office of the King was peter given that is similar to the Prime minister appointed by David in the OT?
the keys of the kingdom
short answer:
what is the authority given to peter in “the power of the keys” and “to bind loose ends”
it is to govern the House of God, which is the Church, and to connote the authority, to absolve sins, to pronounce doctrinal judgments and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church.
short answer:
1. when Jesus appoints the 12, what does that indicate?
2. What does Jesus ask Peter?
3. What is Jesus’ prayer for Peter?
- it indicates a share in Royal identity with them, a new Jerusalem
- to strengthen them
3.prayer so his faith may not fail
Who saw the spread of the Church as a threat?
The Jews and Romans
who’s martyrdom marked the beginning of the persecution of the Church, and was the first deacon, and was accused of blasphemy and stoned to death?
St. Stephen
where did many Christians flee from to preach in surrounding areas?
t or f
marytrdom has a special place among the saints
t or f
later persecutions by the Roman Empire would result in the martyrdom of most apostles
who are the ultimate witnesses to the truth of the faith?
the Early Christians where aware of the persecution they would face, but where confident that who would strengthen them and they gave witness to the resurection of Christ?
the Holy Spirit
where was St. Paul born?
Tarus in Cicillia
t or f
saint paul changed names
false, saul and paul are the same name, simply saul is semitic and paul is from his greco roman side
what was St Paul traditionally belived to have been in terms of proffesion?
a tentmaker and a Pharissee
t or f
St paul was well known among the Jewish community, and persecuted Christians because he saw it as a threat to Judaism
t or f
paul witnessed the martrydom of St. Stephen
what was Paul schooled in and familiar with?
He was schooled in law, and was familiar with Greek philosophy
Paul was on his way to Damascus to arrest followers of the way, when he saw Jesus where and became blind for 3 days?
in a vision
what does Jesus ask paul in his vision of him?
Jesus asked him why Saul is persecuting him
who baptized Paul
Where is Paul taken back to meet other disciples and eventually is accepted as a true disciple?
how many missionary missions did Paul go on?
for how long and where was St. Paul imprisoned
in Caesarea for 2 years
where and for how long was Paul later transported to where he was placed under house arrest?
Rome for 2 years
which of the following is not part of the format of the 13 letters attributed to Paul? what is the correct format?
personal thoughts
personal thoughts
correct format:
what messages did St. Paul include in his letters?
problems in community
theological reflections
and instuctions
short answer:
1. what is the role of Peter in the Church?
2. What is the Church without Peter?
3. What is the role of Paul in the Church?
4. What is the Church without Paul?
- order and structure
- the Church would separate into a debating society
- evangelization and theology
- stoney and lifeless
t or f
did paul go on a possible 4th journey that is not fully reccorded?
how did paul die?
he was beheaded
As disciples what are we called to do with the gospel, that God prepares us for that involves risks?
take the Gospel out into the world
Why did Paul and his followers get into trouble?
for speaking and evangelizing at the temple
Short answer:
what will happen once the Temple is cleansed?
All the nations would stream to Jerusalem and worship God
The Ethiopian is the fulfillment of who’s prophecy?
Who is God’s “chosen Instrument” who will bring God’s name to the Gentiles?
According to Bishop Barron, what does the story of Paul have to do with us?
Without Paul we would not know about the God of Israel
Short Answer:
What is the job of any Apostle
announce it
Short Answer:
1. What did St. Peter preside as?
2. What was the issue discussed during the Council of Jerusalem?
3. What was declared in the Council of Jerusalem?
- presided as the first pope
- the issue was whether or not the new Christians (specifically the Gentiles) had to follow the laws of Moses before becoming Christians
- It was declared that the Gospel was for all people