theology II unit 4 test Flashcards
Short answer:
What does the Transfiguration reveal?
- Jesus’ divinity
- Jesus as the fuffilment of the Law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah)
- Preparation for his passion and death (his exodus)
- a foretaste of his glory and of ours seen in the interior transformation of the disciples
what is the manifestation of the Trinity?
- Father (the voice)
- Son (in his humanity)
- Holy Spirit (in the cloud)
Short answer:
How is the Jesus’ Exodus both similar and different to the one in the Old Testament?
Both involve a journey and freedom from slavery. They are different because of their location and destiny. The only one starts ion Egypt and ends in Jerusalem. Jesus’ starts in Jerusalem and ends in Heaven.
T or F
is it significant that the last supper was the Passover meal?
why is it significant that the Last supper wss the Passover meal?
because it was the meal before the Hebrews where freed from Egypt.
T or F
Passover is when the Lamb is sacrifcied
T or F
Christ is the sacrificial lamb because he Passes over to his Father by his death and resurrection
the _______ bread is a key component of the Last supper
What does Jesus Reveal?
that he is the Bread of Life
Is there a connection to Maana that they ate the bread their ancestors gave them (the bread God gave them?)
Jesus’ body is superior to the?
Jesus’ body is the
real presence of Gid and it gives us eternal life
What is washing the Apostles feet manifesting?
what it means to be a disciple
Why does Christ wash the Apostles feet?
to be a model of a servant leader
The washing of the Apostles feet is..
central to the Catholic teaching of priesthood and Eucharist
The commandment to Love one another is ultimately shown at the..
Christ’s crucifixion is the
greatest display of charity
Christ lays down his life to
redeem humanity
The night before his crucifixion that he
instituted the Eucharist
Christ’s death is a
pledge of his love for us
Christ commanded that the Eucharistic sacrifice be
perpetuated until the end of time
Christ instituted the priesthood and gave the sacred power and authority to act in ______ _______ _______ (in the person of Christ the Head)
Persona Cristi Capitis
The Eucharist is a
memorial and a representation by the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.
the Sacrifice of Christ becomes
mystically present among us
Every mass is an anticipation of the eternal
liturgy of heaven (the heavenly banquet)
in heaven, our ______ will be complete
The Eucharist both celebreates and
anticipates our redemtion in Christ
Without the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension,
there is no redemption for humanity
The events of Christ’s
Passion, Death, Ressurection, and Asension are a manifestation of the infinite love of God
love is measured by
out of the sinfulness of our fallen state,
God grants us a Redeemer, and offers us an opportunity to be elevated to the intimacy with God.
The opportune time for Satan to re-appear after tempting Jesus in the desert is in the?
the weight of Christ’s impending death was a
sterner test than before
Jesus went to the garden to
pray for strength
Christ had a
profound knowledge of the human heart
T or F
Christ knew that gift of redemption had been rejected by many
T or F
Christ did not feel anything human
False, Christ was fully human, even possessing human fear and the dread of suffering
Christ asks his Father to
remove this cup of his suffering
Christ is in complete obedience to
His father’s will since he had to “drink from the cup” prepared for him
Christ demonstrated _______ with all who suffer
T or F
Christ felt loneliness, emotional distress, and physical infirmity because of the Cross
T or F
Through the Cross, Christ literally felt and understood pain
The ministry, passion, and death of Christ fulfills the prophecies of known as the Suffering Servant songs
Christ suffered out of
perfect love for us
Christ took upon himself
all the sins of the world
Christ’s act of redemption took place according to
God’s will
Christ is put on trial before the
Sanhedrin or ruling council of the Jews
T or F
Christ did proclaim his divinity but did not acknowledged it when asked
false, he did not proclaim his divinity but did acknowledge it when asked
Who was Christ taken to?
Pontius Pilate who was a Roman procurator
did pilate want to be involved?
no even though it was a religious matter
Pilate was under pressure by the Roman Government to?
keep peace
T or F
Pilate was the only one who could sentence someone to death
Pilate brought Christ to the people and they chose
to kill him
what do the soldiers mock Christ as?
As Christ carried the Cross, he felt the
suffering of humanity
Jesus became the icon of charity and mercy in which event?
when he carried the Cross
Jesus’ arms where outstretched in a symbolic embrace of the
human race
Jesus showed mercy to who?
the crucified criminal who asked for forgiveness
what words did Jesus say when he completed his mission of redemption
It is finished
when Christ finishes his mission, it is
an act of self sacrifice that could only be accomplished by the Son of God
What does Kenosis encompass?
the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Christ
The completion of Christ’s redemptive act reflects
his full embrace of his humanity
God’s love descends to us and
reveals God to humanity as well as elevates humanity in an ascent to God
Christ’s kenosis permeates his entire life of
obedience and service so completely that he felt the desolation of humanity on the Cross
Short Answer:
When the Soldiers pierce the side of Jesus, blood and water flow out, what does that show?
- another image of self emptying
- represents the Eucharist and Baptism
- beginning of our sacramental life
- shows how he pours forth his grace for the salvation of all
Without the Resurrection:
there would have been no redemption, we would have no resurrection of our own, there would be no victory over sin and death
the resurrection is a
joyful reality, not some mystical or spiritual experience of the disciples
did the disciples over come to belive that Jesus really resurected?
who first saw Jesus and mistook him for a gardener?
Mary Magdalene
who came to believe after touching Christ?
who did not recognize him on the road to Emmaus until the breaking of the bread?
the disciples
t or f
each disciple had an experience of Christ after the Resurrection, and their joy caused them to take the “good news” out into the world
Short answer:
What are the 3 lessons of the Resurrection that Bishop Barron discusses?
- This world is not the final end
- oppressive governments should fear then Cross because the Cross has power over them
- the way of Hope opens to everybody
In what senses was Christ raised?
physical and material sense (corporeal resurrection)
T or F
Christ’s body was different and not always recognized by his disciples
Short Answer:
How did Christ’s body posses supernatural qualities?
- his glorified body was “veiled”, not like the Transfiguration
- not subject to suffering, but had the wounds of the Passion
- not subject to the strictures of time and space (could appear wherever he wished, walk through doors and walls)
The Body of Christ is
glorified and eternal
Christ’s body overcame
the death experiences by Adam after the fall
His body is a
preview of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time
T or F
Only God has power over death
If Christ rose from the dead,
then he is truly the Son of God
Because Christ rose from the dead, we can believe what he
said and did, we can see it in the grace of the Sacraments
everything we do to build the kingdom will prove
fruitful as God commanded the first humans
The Resurrection gives us
confidence to evangelize
The Resurrection fulfills the promises of the
Old Testament and those of Christ
who said “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old is unveiled in the New,” ?
St. Augustine
by rising from the Dead,
Christ made it possible for all of us to enter into the glory of Heaven
Christ is the first to
rise to heavenly glory, the first fruits
Christ descended in the realm of the
dead to bring the just to God
We are justified to God by
sanctification of our whole being and we become adopted daughters and sons of God