What are the 4 main methods of production with a brief explanation?
- Job = one at a time, one-off items
- Batch = making a batch at a time of identical products
- Flow = using an assembly line to make products
- Cell = Separating workers into groups to produce different aspects
Formula for capacity utilisation
capacity utilisation = current output/ maximum possible output (x100)
What are lean production and JIT management?
- Lean production = a form of production that focuses on minimising waste. A business will use as few resources as possible to make products in a given quality
- Just In Time Management = A method of lean production in which the business holds as little stock as possible and focuses on making products as they are sold and sending them off straight away.
What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance?
Quality control = quality is checked after production, usually by a professional
Quality assurance = quality is checked at each stage of production by workers themselves and they are trained to check well.
What is Total quality management?
TQM is when quality is at the centre of everything the business does, plays a big part in the culture.
What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance?
- Quality control = quality is checked after production, usually by a professional
- Quality assurance = quality is checked at each stage of production by workers themselves and they are trained to check well.
Explain the difference between under and over utilisation of capacity and a problem with each
- under-utilisation = very low-capacity utilization. It’s inefficient because it means a business is not getting good use out of machines and facilities.
- Over-utilisation = utilization is at 100%, which can lead to surplus stock if supply is more than demand
what are 2 ways of improving capacity utilization?
- If they are over utilising they can outsource work to other businesses
- If they are underutilising they can use methods to increase demand
What are the different aspects of a stock control diagram?
- maximum level of output = max capacity
- buffer stock = minimum stock level
- reorder level = average daily usage x lead time
- Lead time = how long it takes for an order to arrive
What does poor stock control imply?
- the business will have high costs from holding so much stock
- The business could have opportunity costs from not having enough stock
What is lean production?
A method of production that focuses on waste minimisation. It’s when firms hold very little stock and use fewer recourses.
Define productivity and the formula for it
- Refers to the level of output per unit of labour
Productivity = total output / total input.
What two factors affect productivity most?
- The use of machinery
- the use of human workers
Define the term Kaizen
- A lean production method, employees should be improving work all the time instead of just one-off.
-Employees have to realise so they point out where they are needed and this helps motivation
What does efficiency mean?
When production happens at an overall minimum average cost
Difference between a labour intensive and a capital intensive firm ?
- Labour intensive = one that requires more workers and less machinery. For example the NHS
- capital intensive = one using more machinery and relatively less workers.
What factors influence efficiency ?
- Increasing productivity
- cutting costs
- adopting a lean production approach
- adapt design mix
Pros of labour intensive firms
- humans are easier to retrain
- easier to manage during issues
- specialist skills
Cons of labour intensive firms
- less output
- people can be unreliable
- increase in wages = increased costs
Pros of capital intensive firm
- cheaper in long term
- can work long hours
- more precise
Cons of capital intensive firms
- harder to retrain
- expensive up front
- hard to manage when they fail