what is sales forecasting and how does it differ from cash flow forecasting?
- Sales forecasting = predicting future sales revenue and volume based on past data and market research.
- cash flow forecasting = estimating how much money will come into and out of the business
- Sales forecasts can help generate accurate cash flow forecasts as it predicts sales revenue (cash inflows)
What can Sales forecasting help to make decisions on?
- Finance = it helps to create accurate cash flow forecasts which are used to predict when more finance is needed
- Marketing = closely linked to the marketing department as marketing drives sales. So predicting decreases can create marketing plans.
- Resources = the more a business sells the more resources will be needed, can ensure they meet demand without holding cash up in stock
What factors affect sales forecasting?
- level of competition
- economic changes
- Actions of competitors
What is the formula for sales volume?
Sales volume = sales revenue / selling price
What is the formula for sales revenue?
Sales revenue = sales volume x selling price
What is the formula for fixed costs?
Fixed costs = total costs - variable costs
What is the formula for total costs?
Total costs = fixed costs + variable costs
What is the formula for total variable costs?
Total variable costs = average variable costs x quantity produced
What is the formula for average variable costs?
Average Variable costs (AVC) = sum of variable costs / output
Define the term contribution per unit
Every time a sale is made you can calculate how much of that sale will Contribute to us breaking even
Define total contribution
The total contribution is the contribution from all units sold and is used to pay fixed costs
What is the formula for contribution per unit?
Contribution per unit = selling price – variable costs per unit
What is the formula for total contribution?
Total contribution = contribution per unit x number of units sold
What is the Break-Even point formula?
Break- even = total fixed costs / contribution per unit
Define the term margin of safety and show the formula
The amount that sales can fall before the break-even point (BEP) is reached and the business makes no profit.
-Margin of safety = actual output – break-even point
What is the purpose of a budget and what are the three types a business can have?
A financial plan for the future.
- Expenditure budget: deals with costs
- Revenue budgets: deals with predicted revenue
- Profit budgets: expenditure - revenue budget figure
What is variance analysis?
The study of deviations of actual behaviour versus forecasted or planned behaviour in budgeting or management accounting.
What does it mean when a variance is adverse or favourable?
Adverse variance = when a firm is performing worse than they predicted
Favourable = a firm performing better than they predicted
Pros and Cons of sales forecasting
Pros -helps to make strategic decisions -Numerical so easy to interpret and easy to analyse for example graphs can be made. - starting point of a business plan Cons - hard to make accurate - based on past data
What is a budget?
A budget forecasts future earnings and spendings
Pros of budgeting
- can be motivating, give targets to work toward.
- help control income and expenditure
- review and make decisions
- a communication tool to share information
- used in business plan
What are the three types of budgets
- expenditure
- income
- profit