THEME 1:SECTION 4 (managing people) Flashcards
Explain the difference between redundancy and dismissal
- Dismissal = If the contract is breached the employee can be fired
- Redundancy = Skills or the job role is no longer required
What are the three types of training?
- Induction= introducing the new employee to the business, key policies, procedures, health and safety
- One-the-job= more suitable for practical work, providing a safe workplace, training by other employees
- Off-the-job= appropriate for general information, learning a new skill outside of work, like how to drive a forklift
Define Chain of Command
The path of communication and authority up and down the hierarchy
Define span of control
The number of employees for whom a manager is responsible or in control of
Explain the difference between a centralised and decentralised business structure
- Centalised= business decisions are made at the top of the business or in a head office (by senior managers) and distributed down the chain of command
Decentralised= decisions to be made by managers and subordinates further down the chain.
What are the 4 theories of motivation called?
- Taylors scientific management
- Maslows Hierarchy of needs
- Mayos Human relations theory
- Herzberg’s two-factor theory
What is Taylor’s scientific management theory and how does Mayo’s HR theory contradict it?
- Taylor believed money = motivation, he wanted to find the most efficient way to work and make every employee work that way. He broke down work into small repetitive tasks and paid workers based on output
- Mayo, after experimenting, decided social and human factors motivate employees more. That feeling apart of a team motivates
What is Maslow’s theory and how is it similar to Herzberg’s?
Maslow’s theory was that every employee had a hierarchy of 5 needs that needed to be met and you would need to work your way up
- Basic, safety and social needs ( Hygiene factors)
- Self-esteem and self-actualisation (motivation factors)
One type of financial or non-financial motivation that links to each theory
- Piece work and Taylors theory (financial)
- Consultation and Mayos theory (non-financial)
- Delegation and Herzberg’s theory (non-financial)
- Job enlargement and Maslows (non-financial)
Define Autocratic leadership
Managers or leaders make all decisions. Identify objectives and exactly how they will be achieved. Useful with unskilled workers where there is no room for error, can be demotivating.
Define Paternalistic Leadership
Managers actually consult employees before decision making. Focuses more on employee wellbeing and involvement to keep motivated best used when wanting employees to grow but still little room for error can demotivate.
Define Democratic Leadership
Managers give employees greater involvement in decision making. Can be motivating and often used when employees are already skilled but can slow down decision making
Define Laissez-faire leadership
Managers have no input in decision making, subordinates get full delegation. Used for highly skilled workers. Can be risky and lead to poorly defined roles in the firm.
Define the term flexible workforce
Flexible workforce = the variety of different ways employees can work (being multi-skilled) and the types of contracts they can be offered
What are the financial methods of motivation a business can use?
- Piecework = paid per unit produces
- commission = paid for completing tasks
- Performance-related pay = paid more for meeting business or personal targets
- Bonus = paid extra on top of their salary
- Profit-sharing = set profit targets and share a portion of the profits if targets are met
What are the non-financial methods of motivation a business can use?
- Job Enlargement = giving a bigger range of work to do
- Job enrichment = giving more challenging work to do and training to do it
- Job rotation = moving between different roles or tasks to avoid repetition
- Empowerment = control over their work and a larger role in decision making
- Consultation= showing employees that their decisions are important and valued
- Delegation = more responsibility in decision making
- Team working
- Flexible working
What is a flexible workforce and why is it important?
A flexible workforce is one that grows in number to meet needs at any given time, it allows businesses to function efficiently even if the absence is high or in order to meet targets
Define organisational structure
An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization
What was Taylor’s theory on motivation and how is it used today?
- that employees are motivated to be productive by money. Believed that management should exercise close control over employees, to ensure that they were getting their money’s worth.
- Used In autocratic approaches to leadership
- When financial motivation is used
What was Mayos theory on motivation and how is it used today?
- that employees aren’t motivated by pay and environmental factors. Instead, positive (human) relational factors play a bigger role in productivity.
- consultation, teamwork, democratic leadership
What was Maslow’s theory on motivation and how is it used today?
- The hierarchy of needs is used to study how humans intrinsically partake in behavioural motivation. Maslow used the terms “physiological”, “safety”, “belonging and love”, “social needs” or “esteem”, and “self-actualization”
- delegation, consultation etc
What was Herzberg theory on motivation and how is it used today?
- the factors that give employees the motivation to work often have to do with giving them a greater sense of purpose and significance in their current position. Motivation and Hygiene factors
What is the distinction between management and leadership?
- Management consists of controlling a group to accomplish a goal.
- Leadership refers to an individual’s ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward organizational success.