Theme 1 - Political Reforms under Gorbachev Flashcards
When does Gorbachev come to power
- MArch 1985
What does Gorbachev’s rise to power mark
- The end of Gerontracy
When is Glasnost Launched
- 1986
When is Peristroika launched
- 1987
Relationship betweeen Yeltsin and Gorbachev
- Yeltsin had an axe to grind against Gorbachev
- Gorbachev demoted him in Nov 1987
When does Gorbachev announce a 2 tier legislature
- June 1988
Describe the New Legislature
- Council of People’s deputies: Multi - Candiate Elections
- Supreme Soviet: Eleceted by CoPD
What responsibilities would each house have?
- Council of People’s could reject or ammend proposed laws
- Supreme Soviet could question ministers & ratify ministerial appointments
What is a counter for the “democraticness” of the Council of People’s deputes?
- A third of all seats belonged to “public organisations” e.g 100 to the Communist Party, 75 to Komosol
When were elections for the Congress of People’s deputies
- March 1989
What were the election results?
- 1958 communist vs 292 indepentant
When was the first session of the Congress of People’s deputies
- May 1989
Political developments at the 1988 Party congress
- June 1988
- Officals elected from competing candidates: challenges Nomenklatura
- Term limits of 2 consecutive 5yr terms
- Records of Party meetings & budgets to be made public
However points for the Council of People’s deputies
- 90% Delegates Communist
- Conservative and Reform factions emerged making passing laws more difficult
Gorbachev Chernobyl Quote
- “We need Glasnost like we need air”
Demostration of Gorbachev’s willingness to reform
- Dec 1986
- Dissedent Andrei Sakarov allowed to return from Exile
- Recommensed opposition activites and proved to be a pain in the ass
- BUT: Showed the USSR gorbachev was for real about Glasnost
When does Gorbachev encourace more re-evaluation of Stalin
- Oct 1987 at a speech marking 70years of the Bolshevick revolution
Newspapers and openness
- “Arguements and Facts” stopped printing propoganda and showed realities of soviet life
- Circulation exploded from 3m in 1986 to 33 million in 1990
Parrallels between Gorbachev and Khrushchev
- Both Socialist idealists who thought the party needed to weaken it’s grip and allow soviet people more of a role in making the system work
When does the Supreme Soveit of Estonia declare it’s soverenghty
- 16 November 1988