Theme 1 - Consolidation of Bolshevik rule by 1924 Flashcards
What were the problems faced by the Bolsheviks in consolidating rule in 1917
- Other Parties in the soviet
- Consituent assembly & first universal election
- Flaws with April Thesis
What were the flaws with the April Thesis
- “PEACE” - the Bolsheviks were not internationally recognised so couldn’t negotiate with the Germans
- “BREAD” - difficult due to men and horses at the front
- “LAND” - redistrobution of land could lead to soldiers deserting the front
When, why and who walk out of the 2nd Congres of soviets
- 1917
- Mensheviks and SR’s
- They view OCT 17 as a bolshevik not soviet siezure of power
What is the Sovnarkom and when is it set up
Also key roles
- 1917
- Executive committee
- Trotsky (Foreign Affairs), Lenin (Chair), Stalin (Nationalities)
When is the decree on Peace
- 27 Oct 1917
- Armistice follows in November
When & What is the decree on Land
- 27 Oct 1917
- Abolished private ownership
When does Lenin decree in November 1917
- Workers can “supervise” management
How did Lenin secure funding in 1917?
- “Pursuaded” the central bank to hand over financial reserves (on threat of armed intervention)
How did Lenin respond to calls for a coalition
- “Conisdered” the coalition from Zinoview and Kaminev but talkes broke down
When was the Cheka established?
- December 1917
What were the election results?
- 17 November 1917
- SR’s 53%
- Bolsheviks 24%
When was the first meeting of the consituent assembly?
- 5 January 1918
What was the outcome of the first meeting of the consituent assembly?
- Lenin used armed guards to close down the delegation
- Beggining of dictatorial rule
When was the treaty of brest litovsk?
- March 1918
When & Where was the Tsar murdered?
- July 1918
- Yekatringsburg
When was the “ban on factions”
- April 1921
When was the USSR established?
- Dec 1922
When does the first white army form
- Spring 1918
- Wanted to regain WW1 & Regain control of siezed industry
- Backed by USA, UK & France
How did the bolsheviks survive the first few months in power?
- By a mixture of consessions and ruthless actions
What were the outcomes of Brest-Litovsk
- Russia lost 1/6 of population (62 million)
- 1/3 of Agriculture
- 26% of rail
- 74% of iron and coal
Red Strength (Trotsky)
- Resored death penalty
- Able to rally men
- Restarted conscription & Maintained order by having officers families held hostage
- Promoted based on merit
Red strength (LENIN)
- Cheka used to brutal effect during “War communism”
- Introduced War communism