Theme 1 - Emergence of Stalin as Sole leader of Russia Flashcards
Why was Stalin an unlikely leader
- Stalin was an unlikey successor to lenin because he was a:
- Poor Orator
- Street Thug
- Not a member of the intellencia
- Had a thick georgian accent so was seen as foreign
What was Stalin’s role in the revolution
- During the revolution Stalin robbed banks to finance Bolshevism
When did zinoviev and Kaminev attack trotsky
- 1924
Describe the battle between Zinoviev + Kamineiv and Trotsky? What did Stalin do?
- Zinoview and Kaminev questioned Trotsky’s loyalty prior to 1917
- Trotsky repsonded by question Zinoviev & Kaminev’s unwillingness to back the october revolution
- Stalin acted as peacemaker and continued to build his power base
What was Stalin’s view of Socalism
- “Socalism in one country”
- Proved popular with party members
- Appealed to theose in favour of NEP
When did Stalin forge and alliance with the right, and who with particulary?
- 1925
- Forged an alliance with Bukarin after watching the left of the party tear itself apart
Who opposed Stalin in 1925? What happened?
- Zinviev and Kaminev attacked Stalin in 1925
- Pressed for vote of no - confidence in Stalin and NEP
- Lost vote as Stalin had control of the delegates
When was the “United opposition” formed
- 1926
Who was in the “United oppostion”
- Zinoviev, Kaminev and Trostky
Why was the “United Opposition” a retarded idea
- Lenin banned factions in 1921
When were Zinoview, Kaminev and Trostsky expelled for “Factionalism”
- 1927
When did Stalin turn against the NEP and advocate for rapid industrialation (THE GREAT TURN)
- 1928
Who launched a strong defense of the NEP? What was the outcome
- Bukarin
- Was outvoted in 1929
When were the last of Stalin’s oppositions removed from Politburo
- Bukarin, Ryhov and Tomsky removed from Politburo
- Nov 1929
Why did stalin resort to purges?
- In the 1930’s discontent with collectivation and industrialisation was increasing
- Old Bolsheviks horrified about treatment of the peasants
- Rumours about an attempt to replace Stalin
- Kirov was seen as a popular alternative - recieved a standing ovation for a speech advocating a more moderate approach
- Some calls for trostsky to be reinstated
- Stalin was growing Paranoid about assasination
- Beleived he was the only one who could modernise the USSR
What happend at the 17th Party congress
- - Stalin was “demoted” from General secretary to secretary of equal rank
- May have supported this to spread responsibility for economic crisis
- In theory no more important than other members e.g Kirov
When was Kirov Killed
- December 1934
What happened immedietly after Kirov’s death
- Stalin claimed a trotskyite conspiracy lead by Zinoviev to overthrow the party
- Day after Kirov’s death - Yagonda empowered to arrest & execute anyone guilty of “terrorist plotting”
- 6500 people arrested under this law in December
When did Stalin arrest other members of the Party
- January 1935
When was the Trial of the 16
- 1936
Who were the main defendants of the trial of the 16
- Zinoviev and Kaminev
What were the defendants in the trial of the 16 charged with
- Murder of Kirov, Disruption of the 5yr plan; conspiracy to overthrow the statw
What was the outcome of the Trial of the 16
- Sentanced to death
- “Shoot the mad dogs - every last one of them”
- Judge Vyshinsky
When was the trial of the 17
- 1937
Who were the main defendants in the trail of the 17
- Trostky and other allies
What were the defendants of the trail of the 17 charged with
- Plotting to overthrow the state; terrorism; sabotage
What was the sentances for the trial of the 17
- 13 of 17 executed
- Remaining 4 sent to gulags
When was the Trial of the 21
- 1938
Who were the main defendants in the trial of the 21
- Bukaharin, Ryhov and “accomplices”
What were the defendants in the trial of the 21 charged with
- Overthrow of Socialism
- Murder of Kirov
- Attempted assasination of lenin
What was the outcome of the Trial of the 21
- Sentenced to death
- “Foul smelling heap of human garbage” - Judge Vyshinsky
When was Yezhov arrested? What was the outcome
- Feb 1940
- Shot
When was Trotsky killed
- 1940
- Mexico City
What had stalin achieved by 1940
- Everyone with a greater claim to power had been removed
- He quashed sentences and restored faith in the system
- Blamed Yezov for the terror
- Had absolute control over the state and its people