Theme 1 - Brezhnev and the Cult of Personality Flashcards
Compare Khrushchev vs Brezhnev personality
- Brezhnhev was charming and affable
- Whereas Khrushchev was embarrasing
What was the inital role of Brezhnev
- Initally appointed was a weak and temportary First Secretary by a presidium who wanted a return to collective leadership
Describe Brezhnev’s methodolgy and compare to Khrushchev
- Opposite of Khrushchev
- Waanted steady improvement “without fuss & hassle”
Quote related to Brezhnev and form of rule
- Wanted “complete trust in Cadres”
When was brezhnev secure in his position what does this suggest about the removal of Khrushchev
- Brezhnev was only really secure in position post 1971
- Suggests coup was a seized opportunity not planned far in advance
What is Nomenklatura
- Descibes a class of politcal elites in the USSR
- Litterally means “List of Names”
Who first coined the term
- Dissent Mikail Voslenski
- 1970
Why was it a recipie for corruption
- People placed on the list (of candidates for jobs) due to relationship with Buerocrat in charge
- Lead to bribes & promises of politcal support
What was the resulting mangement system thanks to the Nomenklatura
- Lead to a management system based on factions
What did Nomenklatura lead to
- Widespread apathy: No opportuinty for promotion without right connections
- Ordinary people knew Nomenklatura had access to better goods.
What is an example demonstrating that the problem was known about in the USSR
- Soviet Magazine Krokodil featured cartoons of average soviet citizen dealing with the system
What was the prevalence and what did Nomenklatura do to undermine state responce
- Black market was widespead for everything
- Nomenklatura had undermined the ability of the party to critize
What was the Soviet term for Bribery - give an example
- Blat
- Moruarty workers often required bribing in return for finding space
Describe the anti - Brezhnev demonstrations in Estonia
- 4 / 5k students protested in central square
- “Where is Bread”
- “Down with Brezhnev”
When were the Estonian protests
- Oct 8 1980
What was the development in terms of Soviet Jews? Why did this occour?
- 250k allowed to emmigrate to Isreal
- Due to high international pressure over widespread anti-semitism
What was Brezhnev named in soviet propoganda
- “Our Father and Provider”
KEY TERM: What did Brezhnev preside over? What does this mean
- Brezhnev presided over a period of Gerentocracy
- Presided over a period of aging politburo that lead the USSR to stagnation
When was Brezhnev the first leader to head both Predidium & Party
- 1976
KEY TERM: Brezhnev’s socalism
- “Mature Socialism”
Why was Brezhnev chosen
- A conservative / reactionary reation to Khrushchev