Theme 1 - Khrushchev - Democratisation and Decentalisation Flashcards
When and who combined party and government offices
- 6 March 1953
- Malenkov
- Combined secretary of party committee and chairmen of council of ministers
Why was Khrushchev not considered a possible candidate for leadership
- Was very silly and viewed as overly jovial
When was Malenkov appointed deputy PM
- 1946
- He was one of Stalin’s cronies
- Lead breifly in the wake of Stalin’s death
Origins of Khrushchev
- Peasant origins
- Served Stalin for 20 years
- Overfilled quota for great terror
Who was Beria
- Head of NKVD
- Looked after Stalin’s mother
Describe the removal of Beria
- 1953/54
- Arrested by contingent of Red army generals.
- Lead by Khrushchev
- Beria was publicly denouced in Pravda - accused of Anti-Soviet activities and being a british agent
- Trialled in secret and executed
- Followers purged
How was Malenkov outmanouvered?
- 1st Harvest (1953) was poor, Khrushchev positioned himself as saviour
- Khrushchev implemented “Virigin Lands Scheme” high initial success, low long term
When was the “Secret Speech”
- 1956
- 20th Party Congress
- Denounced Stalin for his crimes and publicly read Lenin’s will
Describe the defeat of the anti-party group
- 1957
- The anti-party group viewed Khrushchev’s reforms as a weakness and attempted to remove him
- Presidium voted against him
- Only saved after Zhukov used the air force to fly in all central committee members to Moscow
- Instead of killing opponents he demoted them e.g Ambassador to Mongolia (Molotov)
Describe the removal of Zhukov from power
- 1957
- As Minister of defense Zhukov made military reforms
- Sent on an unoffical visit to Yugoslavia
- Whole waway was replaced and forced into retirement
Describe Khrushchevs further attacks on Stalin
- 22nd Party Congress
- 1961
- Stalin’s body moved from mausoleum
- Monument to Stalin’s victims to be proposed to be erected in Moscow
Describe the “Secret Speech”
- 1956
- Khrushchev was encouraged to do it in a closed session as it was viewed as very damaging (fearful of own role in terror)
- Khrushchev used Lenin’s testament which was very critical of Stalin
- Criticised NKVD for purges; said Stalin was personally at fault
- Exposed Stalin as a poor war time leader
- Those accused in the doctors plot released
What happened to the government and party following the leadership contest?
- Following the leadership struggle, party & state had renewed importance in descision making
- Secret police reduced in size
- Poltical amnesties & partial revial of an independant judicary marked move away from politcal influence in state matters
How was the position of the party restored
- Position of the party restored to similar to 1920’s. 2 main goals from 1967
- Democratisation, weakening the traditional buerocracy and giving power to the people
- ## Decentralisation, more initiative to the localities
How did Khrushchev implement his reforms 1962
- Party split into local and national
- Limits on term length
- Membership expanded (7mil in 1956) to 11 mil in 1964, broadening base and reducing power of higher level buerocrats
- Role of local soviets augmented & comrade courts revived to handle minor offenses
- Non party members encouraged to take some supervisory roles
- Economic decentalisation –> 105 areas
What were Khrushchevs politcal motivations for reorganisation
- Destalination
- Removal of power bases
- However: Destalinisation and other limberalisartions resulted in opposition from “Anti-Party”
How many political prisoners rehablitated in 1956
- 9 million former or current prisoners rehabilitated
In 1957 what % of prisoners were politcal
- Only 2% of prison population were politcal prisioners
- However more linent treatment lead to more dissent
How did Khrushchev fall from power
- While on holiday in Crimea, Brezhnev moved against him