Thematic analysis Flashcards
What is thematic analysis?
A way of examining and making sense of qualitative data (such as interviews surveys or written texts) by looking for recurring themes or topics
What is thematic analysis used for?
To understand, organise and draw conclusions from data
How does thematic analysis allows researchers to understand?
They can understand the main ideas and common patterns within a large amount of data
How does thematic analysis allow researchers to organise?
It makes complex data more manageable by organising it into themes
How does thematic analysis allow researchers to draw conclusions?
Can draw meaningful conclusions based on themes they identify
What are the steps of conducting a thematic analysis?
- Familiarisation with data
- Coding the data
- Generating themes
- Defining and naming themes
- Identifying quotes
- Writing up
What is familiarisation with data?
Read and re-read the data to get a deep understanding of the content
What is an example of familiarisation with the data?
reading interviews transcripts multiple times
What is coding the data?
Identifying interesting features of the data and label them and these are usually single words or short phrases
What is an example of coding the data?
If someone mentions ‘stress at work’, you could code it as ‘work stress’
What is generating themes?
Look at codes and start to group them into potential themes, which is a broader category that captures something important about the data
What is an example of generating themes?
Codes like ‘work stress’, ‘long hours’ and ‘lack of support’ could form a theme called ‘workplace challenges’
What is defining and naming themes?
Clearly defining what each theme is about and coming up with a descriptive nae for each
What is an example of defining and naming themes?
A theme might be named ‘workplace challenges’ and be defined as ‘issues related to the stressful aspects of working environments’
What is identifying quotes?
Copy full quotes as examples of the themes from the participant communications