the year 69 ce was filled with confusion Flashcards
unit 8
What themes emerged in the rapid passing of power that occurred after 69CE?
- The weakness of the senate
- The growing importance of the army stationed on the frontier
- The realization that an emperor could be made outside of the city of Rome - MOST SIGNIFICANT
Describe the rapid passing of power directly following Nero’s death.
- 69 CE Nero dies
- The senate wanted Galba to be his successor
- they believed they can control him (they couldn’t) - The praetorians elected Otho, the senate confirmed this, but the frontiers fiercely opposed this.
- Eventually, the Senate granted the status of Emperor to Vitellius.
- the legion on the Rhine declared he be confirmed as emperor before Otho was.
What was significant about Vitellius being granted the status of emperor?
Vitellius was a terrible emperor, who received power after him?
Who is the second dynasty to rule Rome?
the flavians
What two challenges did Vespasian face from the outset of Italy? What was notable about each challenge?
1. Civilis in Germany
- died out in 70 CE
2. Continuing revolt in Judea
- 66 CE Nero had sent Vespasian to control the revolt
- 69 CE After Nero’s death, Vespasian left Judea to control Egypt
- 70 CE Titus, son of Vespasian, captured Jerusalem
- 73 CE Judea pacified by Titus
What conflict does the arch of Titus represent? Where is it located?
- Titus’ efforts to pacify Judea
- Capitoline Hill
Vespasian’s reign established various political and economic terms. What were the political terms? Economic terms?
POLITICAL - Built a close relationship with the Senate
ECONOMIC - Restored Rome’s finances
- many provinces were restored to tax paying status, including Greece
Who was the heir to Vespasian? Why was he chosen?
TITUS - his son was chosen because:
1. He had been a successful military commander
2. proved able to deal with the Senate as well as the people
3. to appease Roman conservatives, he ended his relationship with the daughter of the Jewish King
While Titus seemed a promising heir to Vespasian, he died shortly after becoming emperor. Who succeeded him? What was notable about his reign?
DOMITIAN - other son of Vespasian
1. Had a bad relationship with the Senate
- He sought to consolidate as much power as possible in his own person
- Excluded the Senate from all but the most routine and ceremonial governmental duties
- He aimed to present himself as ruler, not as a first among equals
2. He was most likely aware of the dissatisfaction from the Senate, he began treason trials for those who seemed to oppose him
3. 96 CE ASSASSINATED, the Senate voted him damnatio memoriae
Although Domitian was a less than ideal emperor, there were positives to his reign (81-96 CE). What are two aspects that should be noted?
- Through holding public games and promoting a reasonably extensive public building program, he improved the life of the ordinary Roman
- 85-93 CE Initially successful campaign on the Danube frontier
Who was responsible for the construction of the Colosseum?
1. Vespasian began construction
2. Dedicated by Titus
3. Finished by Domitian
Which activities were central to Roman entertainment?
- Gladiatorial games
- Beast hunts
- Chariot racing
When comparing ancient Rome and modernity, there were two major differences regarding public entertainment. What were these differences in Roman entertainment?
- Put on at public expense
- Held as part of festivals for the gods
What was considered to be a more traditional form of entertainment in Rome? Describe four aspects of this entertainment.
1. Races were often held between quadrigae
- sometimes it was bigae or chariots with as many as 10 horses
2. The field of chariots would do at least seven laps/8.4 km around the stadium
3. Each chariot would belong to one of four colour coded teams (red, whites, blues, greens)
4. The Chariots were very light and would easily overturn
During a typical day of Roman entertainment, what was the sequence of events?
- MORNING - beast hunts
- NOON - staged public executions
- AFTERNOON/”prime time” - gladiatorial games
When and why were gladiatorial games likely to have originated?
- Likely a spectacle put on during public funerals, but later came to be a part of the yearly cycle of festivals
There were four main types of gladiators. What were the types? What was distinctive about them? During a fight, who were they often paired with?
- Murmillo
- wore a distinctive crested helmet and carried a large shield as well as a short thrusting sword.
- often paired with Thraex - Thraex
- carried a small shield and a curved blade
- often paired with Murmillo - Retiarius
- fought with a weighted net in one hand and a trident in the other (technique was to entangle an opponent)
- often paired with Secutor - Secutor
- had a helmet which covered his shoulders in most of his face (only had two eye holes; had limited visability)
- often paired with Retiarius
What occurred to games, gladiators, and performers as the Roman Empire became Christianized?
They were increasingly stigmatized and marginalized
There are considered to be five “good” emperors after the murder of Domitian. Who are these men? What are the years of their rule?
- Nerva 96-98 CE
- Trajan 98-117 CE
- Hadrian 117-138 CE
- Antonius Pius 138-161 CE
- Marcus Aurelius 161-180 CE
What was notable about the reign of Nerva (96-98 CE)?
NERVA - The last time the Senate was able to select an emperor.
- He was a member of the Senate,
- of advanced age,
- a distant member of the Julio-Claudian family through marriage
What was notable about the reign of Trajan (98-117 CE)?
TRAJAN - The first emperor that was not Italian, therefore understood the needs of the whole empire
- MOST IMPORTANT were his campaigns against the Dacians and the Parthians
- Had a good relationship with the Senate and actively used it in his administration
- Showed his concern for the people through programs like alimenta
What was notable about the reign of Hadrian (117-138 CE)?
HADRIAN - Did not seek to expand the frontiers, but sought to consolidate Roman territory and optimize the empire, imperial policy was brought back to Augustus’s goals
- Reorganized military training
- increased the Frontier defenses of the empire
- a professional public servant class
- Development of Roman law
How did Hadrian (reign 117-138 CE) reorganize military training?
- Increase discipline in the army
- Removed the distinction between regular legion soldiers and the auxilia
What is notable about the reigns of Antonius Pius (138-161 CE) and Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE)?
- The presence of cohesiveness in government policy helped establish a Roman stability never seen before
- They faced continual invasions into Roman territory on a regular basis (especially for Aurelius)
During the time of the rapid passing of power, what can be seen as a sign of the discontent and distress experienced by the public?
The rapid growth of new religious and philosophical cults
What is considered to be the most important philosophical cult during this time of confusion?
STOICS - Gained importance as it played a significant role in directing the actions of the emperors (specifically for Pius and Aurelius)
Although philosophical cults grew rapidly, what was more popular?
MYSTERY CULTS - increasingly so was christianity
Why did Christians especially become to be prosecuted by the Roman government?
- They refused to acknowledge the gods of the Greco Roman religion
- They refused to engage in emperor worship
- politics were closely tied to religion, therefore rejecting the state religion was equivalent to rejecting the empire
Despite the regular and harsh persecution, Christians continued to gain immense popularity. Why?
- Christianity gave individuals the promise of happiness after death, if they followed a strict moral code.
- It taught that all individuals could obtain divine favor regardless of status
What was the significance of Vitellius?
Vitellius’ legions marched for Rome after announced succession of Otho.
- Vitellius became emperor (although shortlived)
What was the significance of Vespasian?
- Stabilize the empire and attempted to get rid of the corruption of the government and the Senate
What was the significance of Nerva?
- He came to power late in life therefore his reign was short and uneventful.
- He did adopt Trajan as his heir.
What was the significance of Trajan?
- The Roman Empire expanded to its furthest extent (he led significant campaigns in Dacia and Parthia)
- He expanded the public relief programs for the poor
- Continued Nerva’s pattern of choosing a successor based on character and quality
What is the significance of Hadrian?
- Focused on defence rather than conquest (set up forts and walls along the frontier)
- Spent much of his time traveling through the provinces
- Was concerned with the imperial administration (which he expanded and professionalized)
What is the difference between the arch of Titus and Trajan’s column?
ARCH: Built an honor of Vespasian’s and Titus’ victory over Judea.
- Focuses on the triumphal procession in Rome and on the spoils gained from war
COLUMN: Commemorated Trajan’s campaign in Dacia.
- Represents the actual campaign