the first triumvirate Flashcards
unit 4
What were some similarities between the 1st and the 2nd triumvirate?
- They were coalitions of three men.
- Allowed their members to gain almost complete control over the functions of the Republic.
- a control that could not
have been gained on their own - Were bolstered through personal ties.
- 1st: Pompey married Caesar’s daughter.
- 2nd: Octavian married Antony’s stepdaughter, Antony later married Octavian’s sister
What were the differences between the 1st and the 2nd triumvirate?
- The 2nd triumvirate had a legitimacy that the 1st one never did.
- the 1st was an informal coalition, the 2nd was
created by decree of the senate
In the year 45 BCE, how may a soldier from Caesar’s army react to “current” political events?
- Caesar has triumphed over his enemies and can now force the senators to give his veterans a nice discharge
- Caesar promised a bonus and a nice plot of land where his soldiers can retire quietly
- May not mind that Caesar appears to be vying for dictatorship as the Senate has never cared for common folk
In late March of the year 44 BCE, how may a young optimate, just beginning the curses honorum, react to current political events?
- has a desire to progress through the political offices according to the cursus honorum
- may think that the assassination of Caesar was the greatest day in the Republic’s history
- may believe that the “old caesarians” won’t stop making trouble for the Republic
In the year 32 BCE, how may an old Caesarian veteran react to current political events?
- the belief that everything has gone wrong, that there’s no faith or piety in the world anymore
- in shock that Octavian declared war on Marc Antony for Antony’s relations with Cleopatra
- wondering if people remember that Marc Anthony fought alongside Julius Caesar, not Octavian
In 59 BCE, Caesar received intense opposition from the optimates, Cato, and Bibulus (Cato’s son-in-law) when he decided to run for office. He belonged to an old senatorial family, so why did he receive this opposition? What action did he take because of this opposition?
- He had been sympathetic to Catiline.
- Catiline ran for consulship by appealing to small farmers and poorer classes with the promise of cancelling debts. When he lost the election, supporters in Eturia rebelled, therefore Catiline was accused of conspiring to overthrow the roman government. - In response to the opposition, Caesar joined an informal coalition with Pompey and Crassus as they would support his election.
Julius Caesar joined the informal coalition between Pompey and Crassus because they promised they would assist in his election of consul. Why would Pompey and Crassus support Caesar in gaining power?
Pompey - he had recently returned from campaign against Mithridates and wanted:
1. land for his veterans
2. as well as ratification of his settlements in the east
Crassus - wanted Caesar’s help:
1. in passing laws favorable to his supporters
After Caesar’s consulship, which province did he receive command of? Why was he well positioned in this province?
He was able to:
1. keep track of events in Italy
2. as well as seek adventure in Gallic territories,
- these adventures would provide the perfect opportunity to gain wealth and glory.
What sequence of events occurred after Julius Caesar’s consulship ended that led to him gaining the title of dictator?
- Received command of the province of Gaul
- 58 BCE Caesar began campaign in Gaul
- Pompey and Crassus began quarrelling in Rome - 56 BCE Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar met in Luca to renegotiate their agreement
- 55 BCE Pompey and Crassus stand for consulship
- 53 BCE Crassus launches invasion of Parthia, it was a spectacular failure (he died)
- 52 BCE Pompey prepares for Caesar’s return
- upon his entrance in Italy, Pompey fled - 49 BCE Caesar now elected dictator
When was the first time a Roman army stepped foot into Britain?
While Caesar was away on his Gaul campaign, the government nearly stopped functioning due to Pompey and Crassus quarrelling. What caused this?
PUBLIUS CLAUDIUS - he changed his name from patrician Claudius to plebeian Clodius early on in his career to allow him to run for tribune of plebs.
- as Tribune, he passed a law which would distribute grain at no cost to the poor. He became so popular that he had control over several gangs that he could use to threaten his political opponents.
- he was supported by Crassus, therefore Pompey supported a rival to Clodius, Annius Milo
In 56 BCE, the triumvirate renegotiated their agreement, why was this significant? What was included in their new agreement?
It shows that once they came to an agreement, their wishes became law.
In 55 BCE, Pompey and Crassus would stand for consulship.
After the death of Crassus in 53 BCE, what was the state of Pompey and Caesar’s relationship?
- Cicero was pressuring Pompey to act in favor of the optimates.
- Caesar was worried about possible political and legal actions that may take place against him upon his return from campaigning.
- warranted as the senate voted for Caesar to disband his army and leave his province by a fixed date.
In 49 BCE, Caesar was elected dictator with Mark Antony as his magister equituum. What of significance occurred during his dictatorship?
- the senate voted for him to receive triumph as well as extended his dictatorship by 10 years.
- he received censorship which allowed him to reform the senate.
- began a substantial building program to provide employment.
- to alleviate the cost of grain, he drastically cut the number of eligible recipients.
- he launched a substantial program of colonization.
- reformed the calendar - GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT
Who rose to prominence after the assassination of Julius Caesar?
- Mark Antony - a seasoned veteran of Caesar’s campaigns, was recently Caesar’s magister equituum.
- Octavian - Caesar’s great-nephew of Caesar, was adopted by Caesar and made his heir.
After Julius Caesar’s assassination, Mark Anthony and Octavian moved against their opponents in a series of proscriptions. What were these proscriptions meant to accomplish?
They were meant to kill the 2nd triumvirate’s opponents and to amass money from the victim’s estates.
After the assassination of Julius Caesar, a 2nd triumvirate was formed. Who was included in this coalition? What was different about this coalition in comparison to its predecessor
1. Mark Antony - a seasoned veteran of Caesar’s campaigns as well as Caesar’s magister equituum.
2. Octavian - great-nephew of Caesar, was adopted by him and made his heir.
3. Lepidus - A prominent supporter of Caesar.
In which battle, led by Antony and Octavian, were Brutus and Cassius murdered?
After defeating the conspirators of Julius Caesar’s assassination, the Roman Empire was divided amongst the triumvirate. How was it divided?
- Mark Antony - Obtained the rich provinces of the east.
- he hoped to use his position in the east to launch an attack on Parthia in revenge; gained an ally in Cleopatra. - Octavian - Received Italy and the rest of the western provinces.
- secured political support through his working of the Roman government, held consulship twice, married
Livia. - Lepidus - Received Africa.
- he played a non-active role.
After the death of Marc Anthony, Octavian ruled Rome alone. What were his advantages? What were his challenges?
1. There were not many Roman elite left who would challenge him.
2. Rome had the prospects for peace for the first time in 100 years.
- he closed the doors to the temple of Janus after it was open for 200 years.
1. He did not want to be assassinated like Caesar.
- it was important that the Republic appear as though it was continuing, even though it was essentially abandoned.
In an effort to soothe the Roman elite, Octavian took what title?
Princeps Senatus - First person of the Senate.
What was the most important achievement of Octavian?
There were two notable reforms made by Octavian that would define Roman government for the next three centuries. What was the most important? What was the other significant reform?
- MOST IMPORTANT - The reestablishment of the
- he reduced the members of the sentate from 1000, to 800, and then to 600. - Lowered the age at which elected offices could be
- consulship could now be held at age 35.
Octavian eventually resigned all of his powers. Why did he do this? What did Octavian receive because he did this?
This was meant to suggest the Republic was restored.
- but he had no intentions of giving up his powers, the resignation meant he could still control Rome while appearing to have restored the public
1. proconsular imperium for 10 years (having the power of consul without having to hold office)
2. Given direct control over several politically and economically important provinces.
- spain, egypt, gaul
3. Octavian was renamed Augustus (“revered”)
In 23 BCE, a second constitutional settlement tweaked the system once again. What was the biggest change?
Augustus resigned the consulship therefore only having tribunician power; the change was only symbolic, but it allowed for more competition among the Roman elite.