the roman empire in crisis Flashcards
unit 9
The 3rd century was a time of growing crisis. What events were occurring in the Roman Empire that contributed to this crisis?
- 31 emperors during this period
- in the latter half, the empire was in near constant civil war
- threats from external sources and civil war had a tremendous effect on the economy
- chaos made life difficult for the average farmer
- the western and northern provinces were affected the most, while the east was better equipped to deal with the problems, they were still affected
In the latter half of the 3rd century, the Empire was a near constant civil war. Describe the variables of this crisis.
- As the expansions of the empire greatly increased , the number of frontiers that needed to be guarded greatly increased. The peoples outside the empire could easily increase pressure on the frontier armies.
- Growing unrest in the north
- increasing numbers of warlike tribes from Eastern Europe were migrating westward and pushing Germanic tribes further west as well as South towards Rome - A new threat of the Sassanid Persian Dynasty
- had overthrown the Parthians and took over
The 3rd century saw a spread of Roman culture. What are the two main ways in which this could be seen?
- It was no longer a requirement to be Italian/Roman descent to become emperor
- Rome no longer held a monopoly over high culture
The rule of Maximinus Thrax, Philip the Arab, and Elagabalus show a shift in the power from Rome to the provinces. Why did this shift in power occur?
- Growing importance of the frontiers
- The continuing romanization of the provinces
Because of a specific system of education, Rome no longer held a monopoly over high culture. What was this system of education? What was included in this education? What did the popularity of this education signify?
- Paideia - Brought from Greece to Rome during the Republican period, but now flourished in many major centres of the empire
- Aristocratic boys acquired skill and rhetoric as well as red a cannon of classical Greek and Latin works
- The development and popularity of this system mirrored the lessening importance of Rome in the imperial government
In terms of Christianity and Christian culture during the early 3rd century, what occurred in the West? What occurred in the east?
WEST - The Christian liturgy was created in Latin and there was a consensus on matters of theology and practice.
EAST - The church was split into different sects
Who was an important convert to Christianity during the beginning of the 3rd century?
AUGUSTINE (354-430CE) - Born pagan and received Roman education in Carthage.
1. He converted to Manichaeanism as a young adult and then later converted to Christianity
2. His writings show a deep knowledge of classical works as well as Christian ideas
What were many Christian works written about? What is one significant and yet unusual work?
- One notable work: The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas
What is the narrative of The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas? What is the significance?
THE PASSION OF PERPETUA AND FELICITAS - appears to be a personal account of a young woman who is given the choice of pronouncing her Christianity for being sentenced to death in the arena.
1. In rejecting the authority of her father and the governor, Perpetua overturns normal social hierarchies and becomes a symbol of empowerment.
What is the narrative of The Acts of Paul and Thecla? What is the significance?
THE ACTS OF PAUL AND THECLA - Regarding the early days of Christianity, this novel reflects the variety of opinions held.
1. Chastity is understood as complete abstinence from sex, even in marriage
2. Thecla baptizes herself and Paul gives her the right to preach the word of God - legitimacy of the novel was argued as women were not seen as having the ability to preach and baptize
3. Female empowerment - Thecla becomes the protagonist
How can the context of Christian novels be understood?
The Christian community was still beginning to come together.
i.e. There were many questions of liturgy, practice, and elements of faith were still being contested.
Who is considered to be the last of the emperors to the Roman Empire?
CONSTANTINE “the great” (312-337 CE)
What is the significance of Diocletian (284-303 CE)? What were his important contributions to the empire?
He was the first emperor to reestablish order in the empire after the 3rd century - he realized that the empire was too large and its problems too numerous for one person to handle.
1. He split the empire
2. Establishment of the Tetrarchy - 4 emperors
After Diolectian, what happened to his new order established in the empire?
AFTER HIM, THERE WAS NO MORE TETRARCHY - no emperor after him wanted to share power with three others
- result was CIVIL WAR (Constantine won)
The conversion of Constantine was practical, why did he do this? How did he complete the smooth conversion?
- His conversion allowed him to appeal to the Christians within the empire and in his army
1. He did not immediately distance himself from all pagan ritual, only at the end of his life was he baptized
2. He continued to hold the position of pontifex maximus
3. Carefully blended Roman and Christian symbolism on his iconography
Constantine realized that the western half of the Empire was in sharp decline. What two factors made him come to this realization?
- Pressures from the non-roman peoples in the north were mounting
- The increasing irrelevance of Rome
- The city stood as a traditional seat of power but the actual influence of Rome over the rest of the Empire was waning
What was the motivation behind moving the capital to Constantinople? What occurred in the new city?
It acknowledged a shift in power that had already occurred
- The city of Constantinople was built up to replicate the glory of old Rome
- They proclaimed that romanitas no longer needed to look at the city of Rome as its centre because Rome was wherever the emperor was
How can the continuity of Roman culture be most easily recognized?
Through the languages of Italy, friends, and Spain
- i.e. romance languages are all derived from Latin
What were the two basic ways in which the cultures of Greece and Rome have survived till modernity?
- Natural, semi unconscious process of gradual assimilation
- When the Ottomans conquered constantly, many Christian residents fled to the West - In this way, Europe regained more of the cultural heritage of Rome
What caused a rising interest in classical antiquity in the West (i.e. the Renaissance)?
- the destruction of Constantinople
- the influx of Byzantine Empire
In the 14th century, there began to be a rising interest in classical antiquity. In what 4 main areas was this interest seen?
- Monuments of the ancient past began to attract conscious attention
- although many of these monuments had been defaced and damage, enough had survived to attract admiration - Interest in Roman literature was stimulated (mainly by the invention of the printing press)
- The study of law in Western Europe was directly stimulated by the introduction of the emperor Justinian’s Corpus Juris
What is the paideia?
The Roman system of Education
- Focused on public speaking and poetry.
- its adherence to a canon of Greek and Roman authors (Homer, Virgil etc) helped spread Roman culture throughout the Roman Empire
What is Manichaeism?
A Christian sect that combined Christian ideas with ideas drawn from eastern religion.
- Manichaeans believed that the world was divided into two warring halves.
- Manichaeanism points to the popularity of eastern mystery cults
Who is Diocletian?
- Recognized the empire was too big to be governed by a single individual (attempted to create a tetrarchy)
What is Constantinople?
A city in the eastern half of the Roman Empire, on the coast of the Black Sea.
- When Constantine transferred the capital the empire away from Rome, he determined this city as his new capital
What happened at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge?
Ended the war between the rivals Constantine and Maxentius and saw Constantine’s elevation as soul emperor in Rome
- It marked Constantine’s conversion from the old Roman religion to Christianity
How does the arena depicted in the acts of Paul and Thecla compare to what is known about traditional Roman Games?
BOOK: The arena is presented as a place where Romans torture Christians.
- Thecla is tried before the governor and convicted to death in the arena. She is sent to face wild animals such as lions and seals.
HISTORY: These tortures would have been part of noonday entertainment which regularly featured convicts being creatively put to death.
- in normative Roman thinking these entertainments were meant to show Rome’s power and as is disincentive from doing illegal acts
How does the physical and spiritual journey of Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneid compare to the physical and spiritual journey that Thecla experiences from the acts of Paul and Thecla?
They are close in terms of their equation of physical journeys with spiritual journeys.
AENEAS - Has to journey physically from Troy to Rome in order to transition from a trojan to a new Roman identity.
THECLA - Goes on a physical journey that ends up taking her from a pagan to a Christian identity.
What is the influence of Roman culture on later European culture in the areas of art and literature?
Roman art was rediscovered in the Renaissance, it served as a model and inspiration for sculptors, artists, and writers
1. The Roman interest in proportions and hyperrealism was taken up by Renaissance artists as well
2. In literature, Renaissance poets used works of Latin literature as models for their own creations in terms of plot, theme, and even language.