the imperial family Flashcards
unit 6
In what way would Roman elite families compete?
They would compete through attempting to connect their own family line to great mythic or semi mythic deeds of Roman and Greek heroes.
Who did the Julian family claim to be descendants of?
Augustus used propaganda of arts and literature to allow him to rewrite history in some capacity. What was the Greeks cycle of time? How did Augustus use this cycle?
- golden age, silver age, bronze age, age of heroes, iron age.
- the Golden Age is seen as a time of prospering, the cycle depicts a decline of humanity, gradually getting worse with each new era. - Augustus used this cycle to prove that his reign was taking place in another golden age; That Rome was leaving the Iron Age to restart the cycle.
To celebrate the new Golden Age for Rome, sculptures and architects turned to the art of Greece. Why was Greece used as inspiration?
- Greece’s “greatest age” is typically the classical period when art and literature flourished.
- They attempted to equate Augustine Rome with classical Athens
The reign of who, marked the rise of a true Imperial administration answering only to the princeps?
- This type of administration gradually eroded the power of the Senate
Many top members of the new Imperial Administration were of equestrian rank, meaning they did not have the family heritage and connections required to obtain recognition in the Senate. These men were incredibly valuable to the emperors, why?
- They were highly skilled in governance
- Their loyalty laid with the princeps, not with the old Republic.
Augustus’s portraiture shows the move towards classical Greek ideals. What did portraits aim for during the old republic? During Augustus’s reign, portraits now sought to do what?
OLD REPUBLIC - Portraits aimed for verism (realism)
AUGUSTUS PORTRAITS - Sought to idealize the emperor, presenting an image of an ever youthful and serene leader.
The most well known statue of Augustus was completed after his death. What was this statue called? What does it depict?
- Prima Porta Augustus
- It depicts:
- Augustus barefooted, in a short tunic, ceremonial armor that is adorned with reliefs
- His right leg is supported by cupid and a dolphin
- The reliefs on his armor suggest peace and prosperity
- At the top, the Sky God spreads the mantle of the vault of Heaven over the sun God in his chariot
- Below sits a pair of figures that represent recently subjugated provinces
What seen in the statue of Prima Porta Augustus is characteristic of Roman art?
- The symbolism of Cupid
- The use of allegory in the depiction provinces
What was the greatest sculptural monument of Augustus’s reign?
Ara Pacis - “the alter of peace”
What did the ara pacis accomplish?
- It glorified the Augustan era as the dawn of a new Golden Age
- It used the Imperial family as a symbol of prosperity and continuity
What did a traditional Roman temple model itself after?
What are five characteristics of a traditional Roman temple?
- The temple stood on a tall podium with approaching steps at the front
- A deep columned pronaos dominated the facade
- The cella was at the back
- Beside the cella there were usually alae (side passages)
- The back of the temple was undecorated
What are three examples of temple architecture that shows Augustus’s tendency of blending classical Greek and traditional Roman styles?
- Maison Carree - Best preserved imperial temple, most likely built by Agrippa
- Temple of Mars Ultor - found in the forum of Augustus
- Pantheon - dedicated to all roman gods, built by Agrippa
Maecenas, a friend of Augustus, provided financial support for leading literary figures of the time. Who are the most notable figures?
- Vergil
- Horace
What is one of the most significant unifying features between all literary works found in the Golden Age of Latin literature?
It’s intense dialogue with the tradition of Greek literature
What was the Aeneid meant to be?
Rome’s national poem
Scholars could argue that the Aeneid is either optimistic or pessimistic in its opinions of ancient Rome. How would one argue for either opinion?
OPTIMISTIC - Vergil created an exemplum.
Despite all the challenges faced by Ennis, the Romans win.
PESSIMISTIC - Vergil’s depiction of Aeneas as well as his focus on fighting and war.
- the excessive focus on fighting: perhaps vergil is anti war as the conclusion could be emphasizing the bloody nature of Rome’s foundation
- aeneas is a role model to the Roman reader, but he continuously hesitates in following his fate of founding Rome (he only continues his mission through the insistence and intervention of others)
What is the major Augustan monument?
Ara Pacis, an alter dedicated to the Augustan Peace established by Augustus.
- a major monument in the Campus Martius
- used to further the image of his rule as a prosperous return to Rome’s idealized beginnings
- part of his focus on re-energizing the religious institutions of Rome
What is the major Augustan work of literature?
From The Aeneid, who is Sinon?
A Greek soldier who pretends to be a traitor to the Greek cause.
- He convinces the Trojans that the Greek army had actually left the beach they were camping on and that the Trojan horse was nothing more than a gift to the gods.
From The Aeneid, who is Anchises?
The father of Aeneas.
- Aeneas carries him out of Troy but dies later on.
- Aeneas meets Anchises once more in the underworld where he shows Aeneas the future of his bloodline and of Rome.
From The Aeneid, who is Sibyl?
A prophetess and priestess of Apollo.
- She foretells Aeneas’ upcoming war with the Italic people around Rome
- She tells Aeneas how to get into the underworld
From The Aeneid, who is Venus?
Aeneas’ mother, the goddess of love and sexuality,
- She helped the Trojans in the Trojan War and helps Aeneas on his journey to find a new homeland.
What is the Prima Porta Augustus? What is its significance?
A private statue of Augustus made for his wife Livia, but tapped into Augustus’s self imaging.
- It represents Augustus as a hero (on the breastplate is represented his major, mostly symbolic, victory over the Parthians, as a Parthian gives back the lost Roman standards to a Roman)
- At the foot of the statue is cupid, symbolizing the fact that Augustus traced his family back to Venus.
What is the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine Hill? What is its significance?
Built by Augustus next to his house.
- I guess this attributed his victory over Cleopatra at Actium to Apollo
- Apollo was the god of the arts and Augustus considered himself to be a patron of the arts
What is the Maison Carree? What is its significance?
Temple built in southern France (most likely by Agrippa)
- It represents the new type of temple which August is popularized during his reign
- It blends Greek and Roman elements in its architecture