military changes and the conquest of italy Flashcards
unit 2
During the Punic Wars, what was the role of the Mamertines? Who were these people and how did they accomplish their role?
The reason for Rome’s involvement in the 1st Punic War.
1. They were Italian mercenaries who captured a city on Sicily therefore involving themselves in a war with Syracuse.
2. Originally appealed to Carthage and Rome for help in the war.
- Carthage had interests in assisting Sicily,
- but Rome agreed, therefore was brought into conflict with Carthage.
Who was Hamilcar Barca? During the Punic Wars, what was his role?
- He is known as the greatest Carthaginian General of the 1st Punic War.
- Instrumental in conquering the province of Spain for Carthage after the war.
- restored Carthaginian power
- and created the circumstances needed for Hannibal, his son, to invade Italy.
Who was Hannibal? What role did he play during the 2nd Punic War?
An unparalleled General due to having spent his childhood among his father’s (Hamilcar Barca) army.
- extensive knowledge in military tactics
- a strong connection with his men.
1. Instrumental in instigating and prosecuting the 2nd Punic War.
2. Achieved several crushing victories over Rome
Who is Hanno (the Great)? During the Punic Wars, what was his role?
Leader of the landowning faction in the Carthaginian government and leader of the aristocratic pro-Roman faction at Carthage.
1. He spearheaded the effort of the landowners to scale down operations in Sicily at the end of the first Punic War
- allowed Rome to recoup and win the war
Who was Quintus Fabius Maximus? During the Punic Wars, what was his role?
Named Cunctator (the delayer), was elected dictator in 217 BCE.
- His famous strategy was to avoid direct confrontation with Hannibal.
i.e. he persistently carried out attacks against Hannibal without getting into direct combat
Who was Scipio Africanus? During the Punic Wars, what was his role?
A member of a powerful patrician family, elected proconsul by the Roman assembly.
1. he reformed the Roman army, using Hannibal’s army as a model
2. conquered Spain (from Carthaginian hold)
3. moved the war to Africa
- forcing Hannibal to leave Italy
4. BATTLE OF ZAMA (defeated Hannibal)
Who was Masinissa? During the Punic Wars, what was his role?
Contender to the throne of Numidia, an ally of Carthage.
1. he allied himself with Scipio and Rome after Syphax exiled him from the kingdom.
2. His cavalry was critical to the victory over Hannibal
Which of the Punic Wars had the greatest effect on Rome? Why?
1st War
1. first time Rome fought outside of Italy,
2. forced the development of the Roman navy,
3. left the Romans with an empire they now had to figure out how to control (i.e. sicily, corsica, sardinia)
2nd War
1. forced Romans to change their relationship with Italian allies (i.e. access to a form of citizenship)
2. groundwork was set by the Romans that would allow them to incorporate and maintain support in their growing empire.
Which main groups fought during the Punic Wars?
Hannibal won several crushing victories over Rome, which three battles were most notable?
The Battles of:
1. Trebia
2. Lake Trasimene - Rome lost 2 entire armies and one consul
3. Cannae - known as the worst defeat the Romans ever experienced (around 80% of roman forces were killed and one consul)
During the 4th century, four changes occurred that helped Rome develop a superior military. What were these changes?
- Plebeians
- political opportunity for Plebeians created a wide spread desire to defend the state. - Prestige
- displaying one’s courage and leadership skills on the battlefield advanced a man’s prestige in civil life. - New system of alliances
- replacement of the old Latin league with the creation of a multi-tiered system of alliances. - Development of a new battlefield technique.
In the 4th century, there was the creation of a multi-tiered system of alliances. What were the three tiers? What privileges were found in each tier?
- Latin Allies - Could intermarry with Romans and had the right to make binding contracts.
- Socii (“partners”) - were exempt from taxes and some nobles were granted full or partial Roman citizenship.
- Municipia (“colonies”) - inhabitants received full or partial Roman citizenship.
What was the new battlefield technique developed in the 4th century?
Instead of the army being organized in units of eight lines, the army was reorganized into maniples.
- soldiers stood in three lines and were more spread out which allowed for greater flexibility
After Rome’s defeat of Pyrrhus, they received a huge flow of Greek goods and ideas. What are some examples of these goods and ideas?
1. captured spoils of war
2. enslaved people
1. public oratory
2. art
3. religion
4. philosophy
In relation to god honoring festivals, what were the responsibilities of the aedile?
- organizing the festival
- games and performances that would be held
- paying the actors
- building wooden stages that would be torn down at the end of the festival
What was at the heart of a god honoring festival?
Roman comedies borrowed plots and characters from Greek new comedy. What did the plots typically centre around?
- the cases of mistaken identity
- youths love for a young prostitute
Who is the best known playwright from Rome? What about him was unique?
Plautus (not a native Roman)
- Brought traditions of native Italian farce and satirical poetry which blended into his comedies.
Describe what events led up to the 1st Punic War (264-241 BCE).
- The Mamertines attacked Messene (in Sicily)
- they used this city as a base for attacking other cities, even attacking Syracuse. - The Mamertines appealed to Carthage and Rome for help, but Carthage controlled trade in Sicily so they had no interest in helping the Mamertines.
- Rome was reluctant to get involved, the senate voted against engaging. The tribunes placed the vote before the people, they voted in favor of going to war (for the potential economic advantages)
Why was Rome reluctant to engage in the Sicilian War (1st Punic War, 264-241 BCE)?
- This would be the first conflict fought outside of Italy
- Carthage was renowned for its navy and prior to the war, Rome could not compete.
- Rome had a peace treaty with Carthage
256-255 BCE Rome decided to invade Africa. Who led
this army? Why was this decision made? What was the result?
1. They believed that this decision would end the war.
2. Rome experienced a HEAVY defeat.
What events caused Marcus Atilius Regulus to become famous in Rome? How was he perceived by the Roman people?
- After leading Rome to a heavy defeat in Africa, Regulus was sent to Rome, on behalf of Carthage, to demand the release of Carthaginian hostages.
* he promised if he wasn’t successful, he would return to Carthage to face torture and execution. - Regulus went to Rome, argued against the release of hostages.
- He then returned to Carthage, as promised, and was killed through sleep deprivation.
- Romans view this behavior as an example of a Roman excellence.
What events occurred after Rome agreed to assist the Mamertines during the 1st Punic War?
- 260 BCE Naval battle of Mylae - Roman use of navy with the addition of a plank to nail to the opposing ship.
- 256-255 BCE Rome decides to invade Africa - object was to remove Carthage from Italy, led by Marcus Atilius Regulus, MASSIVE DEFEAT
3. 242 BCE Carthage is willing to negotiate a peace
4. 241 BCE Peace negotiated and Sicily under Roman rule
- required to reimburse Rome’s war expenses
5. 238 BCE Carthage lost Sardinia and Corsica after a mutiny of mercenary troops - revision to 241 BCE peace: required to pay more damages and relinquish Corsica and Sardinia
In 226 BCE, Rome and Carthage signed what treaty?
Ebro Treaty
- Carthaginian northern boundary set in Spain as the Ebro River.
- included the protection of Saguntum (a city within the Carthaginian boundary but allied with Rome)
What were the stages of the 2nd Punic War (218-201 BCE)?
- Hannibal (son of Hamilcar Barca) captured Saguntum (a city allied with Rome within Carthaginian territory)
- Rome contemplates whether they should declare war while Hannibal advances towards Italy - 217 BCE ARRIVES, inflicts three serious defeats to Rome
- Under dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus, Rome
avoided direct confrontation with Hannibal but followed closely for one year. - 216 BCE Battle of Cannae - in the eye’s of the Roman’s, the worst defeat they ever experienced
- Hannibal courts alliances with Greek cities in southern Italy instead of pursuing Rome - SPECIFICALLY CAPUA
- 216-215 BCE Hannibal’s winter is spent in Capua - Roman’s return to Fabius’ strategy, simultaneously an army is sent to Spain under Cornelius Scipio
- 209 BCE Nova Cartago, Carthaginian stronghold, was captured by Rome
- 206 BCE Scipio elected consulship
- plans begin for African invasion - 204 BCE Scipio lands in Africa and prompts the BATTLE OF ZAMA (spoiler Rome wins)
- 201 BCE Carthage and Rome negotiate peace, HARSH TERMS
What was the turning point for the Roman’s during the 2nd Punic War?
209 BCE SCIPIO CAPTURES NOVA CARTAGO (carthaginian stronghold)
- ally cities, Capua and Tarentum, were captured by
- Hannibal is unable to receive reinforcements
Cornelius Scipio received a specific title. What was the title? Why was it received.
cornelius scipio AFRICANUS
- after achieving victory at the battle of zama in Africa, Scipio received this title.
201 BCE Carthage and Rome negotiated another peace, what were the terms?
- Carthage was forced to give up all territories outside of Africa
- Required to pay Rome and indemnity for 50 years
- Carthage could not engage in hostile activities against any 3rd party
Which two notable things occurred during the 3rd Punic War (149-146 BCE)?
- 146 BCE Carthage was captured by Scipio Africanus (grandson to Scipio who defeated Hannibal)
- All surviving Carthaginians were sold into slavery and the site was cursed.
- 28 BCE city of “Roman Carthage” is founded; previously the site had been abandoned