The vessels and nerves of the upper limb Flashcards
What is the arterial plan of the upper limb?
Ascending Aorta + Aoritc arch
Brachiocephalic- R common carotid & R Subclavian (branch off)
Left common carotid
Left sublavian
Thoracic + Abdominal aorta- branches into R comon iliac and L common iliac
What is the brachiocephalic?
First branch off the aorta- divides to form the right subclavian and the right common carotid artery
What is the right subclavian artery?
Extends from brachiocephalic artery to inferior border of first rib; gives rise to a number of branches at the base of the neck
What is the internal thoracic (mammary) artery?
Arises from the first part of subclavian artery and descends posterior to costal cartilages of superior six ribs just lateral to sternum; terminates at the sixth intercostal space by bifurcating and sends branches into intercostal spaces
What does bifurcating mean?
Branching into two arteries
What is the vertebral artery?
Major branch of right subclavian artery to brain before it passes into the axilla; ascend through neck; passes through transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae, and enters skull via foramen magnum to reach inferior surface of brain
What does the vertebral artery and left vertebral artery unite to form?
Basilar artery- passes along midline and anterior aspect of brain stem and gives off several branches (posterior cerebral and cerebellar arteries)
What is the axillary artery?
Continuation of right subclavian artery into the axilla; begins where subclavian artery passes inferior border of first rib and ends as it crosses distal margins of teres muscles; gives rise to numerous branches in axilla
Which artery is blood pressure usually measured by?
Brachial artery
What is the brachial artery
Continuation of axillary artery
Where does brachial artery begin
Distal border of teres major muscle
Where does brachial artery end?
Terminates by bifurcating into radial and ulnar arteries just distal to bend of elbow; superficial and palpable along medial side of arm
What happens to the brachial artery as it descends towards the elbow?
Curves laterally and passes through cubital fossa
What is cubital fossa?
Triangular depression anterior to elbow, can easily detect pulse here
What is the radial artery?
Smaller branch of brachial bifurcation, direct continuation of brachial artery