The Lower Limb Flashcards
What positions do humans walk in?
Bipedial position
Where does weight transmission occur?
The sacrum
What does the femur articulate with?
Tibia and patella (sesamoid bone)
Where is the sesamoid?
Sits central in tendon
Where is weight transmitted through?
The tibia
What do the tarsal and metatarsal bones form?
Stable, yet flexible unit
What is the gluteal region commonly known as?
The buttocks
What is the classification of the lower limb?
Gluteal region (bum) Thigh Knee (l. genu= bend) Leg (l. curs) Foot
Which part is classified as the leg?
From the knee joint to the ankle joint
What is the superior boundary of the gluteal region?
Iliac crest
Greater trochanter
Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
What is the inferior boundary of the gluteal region?
Gluteal fold
Intergluteal fold separates the two
What is the difference between red and yellow marrow?
Red marrow- contains red blood cells
Yellow marrow- contains fat cells
What is the skeleton of the hip comprised of?
Bones form protective bony walls of pelvic cavity and part of birth canal
Which part of the vertebrae are involved in the skeleton of the hip?
Sacrum (5 fused vertebrae) and coccyx (3-5 fused vertebrae) (axial)
Which bones form the hip (3)?
Ilium (N.B. acetabulum=socket, ASIS palpable)
Pubis (N.B. pubis symphysis) cartilage, for movement i.e. women in childbirth
What type of cartilage joins the hip together?
Why is hyaline cartilage used in formation of skeleton of hip?
Stable platform
What age roughly does the skeleton of the complete maturity?
Approx. 35 years
What differences can be determined by the skeleton of the hip/pelvis?
Height (from long bones)
What are the differences in females hips compared to males?
Bones are thiner Muscular marking not as prominent Less funnel shaped (for childbirth) Distances between ischial spines and ischial tuberosities greater Wider, greater sciatic notch Sub-pubic angel approx 90 degree+
Where is the thigh/femoral region?
Lies between gluteal, abdominal and perineal regions
What are the boundaries between the thigh/femoral region?
Between abdomen and thigh is the inguinal ligament anteriorly and the hip bone medially
What is the anterior thigh?
What are the quadriceps made up of?
Vastus laterlis
V. intermedius
V. medialis
Rectus femoris
What are the vastus muscles in the quadricep involved with?
Knee extension