The Terror and Great Terror 1793-94 Flashcards
When was the Committee of Public Safety(CPS) established and what was its role?
-April 1793
-It had control over wartime measures and revolutionary laws
-formed by 9 men, elected monthly.
-Initially answerable to National Convention
-Robespierre was elected to it in July
What wartime measures were made by Jacobin and Robespierre from October 1792-March 1793 and their role and who they answered to?
-Oct. 1792: Creation of Committee of General Security (CGS): Policing and answerable to National Convention
-March 1793: Establishment of 82 representatives on mission who ensured loyalty to revolution and were mostly manned by Jacobin. Reported daily to CPS and weekly to Convention
-March 1793- Revolutionary Tribunals: judges elected by convention
-March 1793- Watch commitees: gave out certificates of civic virtue needed to get a job and watched out for any suspicious behaviour
What three changes occurred in the CPS from September 1793
-Number of men in the CPS increased from 9 to 12
-Although it was supposed to be elected monthly to stop a dictatorship, a clique of dominant members formed: Robespierre, Saint-Just, Couthon and Carnot
-Although CPS was answerable to Convention it became a rubber-stamping practice
What happened on the 5th of Sept. 1793Journee and what was the impact?
-S.c marched on the convention and demamded lower bread prices, higher wages and an attack on those oppressing the people
-This led to 3 reforms from the Convention
-Allowed two activists popular with the people to join the CPS: Billaud-Varenne and D’Herbois
What 3 reforms were made by the CPS in answer to the 5th of Sept. Journee?
-9th September: S.c forces, “ Revoultionary armees” to attack grain hoaders and there were 7000 members initially
-17th September: Law of Suspects- widened the definition for who was against the revolution
-29th September: General Maximum- Put price controls on all essential goods e.g. grain, flour, meat, soap
What does the reaction of the convention to the 5th of sept. journee show?
-That the Convention was somewhat answerable to the S.c.
-This was also started when the Jacobin relied on s.c interference to expel the Girondin
How many cases had the Revolutionary Tribunal heard in September to December compared to March to September and why?
-500,000 (sept-dec) compared to 260
-Due to the law of suspects which made more people liable to suspicion
How many people were guillotined in September to December compared to March to September?
-180, just in Paris,( sept-dec) compared to 66
Why was Jacques Roux killed?
-Jacques Roux was a political agitator and popular among s.c. and was integral in the 5th sept. journee so was arrested (he then committed suicide) after s.c. were placated by sept. reforms
-Jacques Roux also led the enrages`
When did “Terror become the order of the day”?
-From 5th September onwards
When did the 21 expelled Girondins trial begin and when were they executed?
-began on 24th October 1793
-were guillotined on 31st October 1793
When was the Duc d’Orleans guillotined and why?
-6th November 1793
-His son had defected with Demouriez
What places suffered severely to the Terror?
-The Vendee, Nantes,:7873 were guillotined and mass drownings of 2000 people in River Loire between Nov. 1793 and Jan. 1794
-Toulon: Recaptured on the 19th December and 700-800 prisoners killed
-Lyon: By the end of 1794, 2000 had been executed using canon grape shot which led to the Convention telling them to halt those methods by the end of the month
Who carried out dechristianisation?
-The Sans culottes ( so dechristianisation was mainly centered in Paris)
-Was encouraged by Herbert and Chaumette
-Fouche (rep en mission) in Nievre carried out dechristianisation campaign from Sept. 1793
What replaced many religious ornaments in Paris?
-Busts of political agitator Marat who was assassinated in 13 July 1793
-Replaced figures on Notre Dame Cathedral
What was the Notre Dame Cathedral converted to?
-“Temple of Reason”
When was the Festival of Reason and who organised it?
-November 1793
-Organised by the Paris commune and radicalist Herbert, was not supported by convention and Robespierre
How was religious toleration reaffirmed by Robespierre?
-After an attack on local Jacobin club In Brie in December, decree of liberty of cults was passed after Robespierre persuaded convention
What did the Law of Frimaire Year II (December 1793)do?
-It gave CPS power over all Governing bodies
-revolutionary armees were disbanded from March 1794 (sept. in Paris)
-Popular societies and local patriotic committees were closed down
How did Robespierre justify the law of Frimaire and what was its real intention
-Robespierre justified it by saying opposing governing bodies had begun to form
-Its real intention was to curb s.c power and it achieved this through removing leadership through societies and disbanding revolutionary armees
What two opposing groups emerged in 1794 against the CPS and Robespierre?
-Herbertists, led by radical journalist Herbert
-The “indulgents” led by Danton and Desmoulins
What did a) the Herberists and b) the indulgents criticise Robespierre for?
a) Herbertists criticised Robespierre for creating a dictatorship
b) Indulgents wanted the terror to be scaled back as it appeared to achieve its aims as federalist revolt and Vendee had been dealt with, but Robespierre wanted the continuation
How did the 2 laws of Ventose attempt to appease s.c. after Law of Frimaire and when were they passed?
-January and March 1794
- Promised patriots land from Counter-revolutionaries
-Was not carried out effectively and mostly ignored.
How did Saint-Just justify arresting Herbert and 18 associates and then executing the herbertists and when were they guillotined?
-24 March 1794
-Saint Just reported to the convention and denounced the Indulgents and the Herbertists and there were rumours of Herbetisits wanting to kill members of the Convention