Absolutism and Structure of Ancien Regime Flashcards
the nature of absolutism, including the role of the church the government of the Ancien Régime, including central government, the intendants and local government the nature of French law and the role of the parlements social divisions, privileges and burdens within and between the first, second and third estate.
What is Absolutism?
-A system where the monarch has complete power and tends to be looked at with awe and reverence
What is Despotism?
The exercise of the monarch’s absolute power to abuse and oppress their subjects.
When did Louis XVI become King and how old was he?
What powers did Louis XVI have?
-Complete legislative power; inc. taxation
-Declare war and peace
-lettre de cachet
-living in splendour- Versailles and was centre of government
What were some setbacks for Louis’s rule?
-Louis was not the intended King
-Louis and Marie did not consumate their marriage until 1773 despite marrying in 1770.
-Louis inherited a war debt of 1.3bn livres from Louis XIV who lost Austrian War of Succession (1740-48) + and 7 years war (1756-1763)
What was Marie Antoinette named as by the French people?
-“Austrian Bitch”
What was the lettre de cachet?
-It was a letter in which the King would order imprisonment of someone without trial
How many times did Louis use the lettre de cachet between 1774-1779
-14,000 times
What was the lit de justice?
-A way for the King to overall parlement remonstrance and force laws through government
What were some limits to Louis’ power?
-Parlements remonstrances; used against his economic reforms
-Danger of being labelled as a despot after using lit de justice and lettre de cachet
-Living lavishly might undermine his power as can be criticised due to awful French economy
-His personality
How did Louis’ personality lead to limitations in Louis rule?
-weak-willed (easily influenced) and indecisive
-Out of touch
-Influenced by Marie-Antoinette (however excluded her from all political matters until 1787)
What percentage of the population was Catholic and how did this give Louis power?
- Gave Louis power as he believed in Divine Right of Kings and therefore the devout Catholics would have to follow him as he was chosen by God
Was Louis an absolute King?
-He ruled with Divine Right and population was 97% catholic
-Louis’ decisions were final and held complete legislative power
-Lettre de cachet to imprison anyone
-Lit de justice to bypass Parlements remonstrances
-Enlightenment challenged the church through logic and reasoning
-Parlements could use power remonstrance
-parlements reduced King’s use of lettre de cachet in 1784 and completely in 1789
-Louis can be accused of despotism if he overused lettre de cachet and lit de justice
-Pays d’etats ignores King’s rule
-relied on intendants to consolidate his rule in provinces
-could not interfere with church matters
What was the role of the intendants?
Local Government for finance, policing and justice
-ensured taxes were collected
- ensured royal edicts were being carried out
-could request a lettre de cachet for someone
-raising troops.
How many intendants were there?
1 intendant per generalite, totaling 33 generalites.
How were the intendants’ power limited by local government?
-Provincial governors selected from nobility maintained law and order
-Pays d’états(Brittany) negotiated with the King over taxes
in rural areas,
-seigneurs often had greater power than intendants.
What is the role of the parlements?
They are sovereign law courts with 12 magistrates each, who bought their positions through venality
; they controlled guilds and approved the King’s laws.
Who convinced Louis to recall the parlements in 1774 and why?
-His advisor, Mirabeau
-Was an inexperienced leader so was reliant on their help
Which parlement was the most powerful?
The Paris Parlement, which controlled 2/5 of France.
Were the Parlements a limitation to the King’s power?
YES: They could remonstrate King’s laws, and overriding this with lit de justice was seen as despotism.
-They were an obstacle to the King’s power but only to the betterment of 1st and 2nd estate.
NO: They achieved their position through venality and were loyal to the King.
How many venal offices were there in the 18th C. and what trade?
70,000 venal offices, including officers in the army, legal professions, and judiciary.
What was the Population of France in 1780s?
-28 million
What was the literacy rates in France and in Paris?
-France = 50%
-Paris = 60%
What is the Estates System?
-They are the 3 social groups/ classes society was divided into, the 1st Estate (Clergyman), 2nd Estate (nobility) and 3rd estate (everyone else)