The stallion (Yr4) Flashcards
what is a stallion?
entire male >4 years old
what is a colt?
entire male <4 years old
when do stallions reach sexual maturity?
4-5 years
when do colts start puberty?
1-2 years old
how long does spermatogenesis take?
60 days
how often should a stallion be used for breeding?
on average no more than 2 a day (some go up to 6 per day)
where should be swabbed to check for contagious equine metritis?
urethra, urethral fossa, penile sheath and pre-ejaculatory fluid
what causes contagious equine metritis?
Taylorella equigenitalis
what is a notifiable sexually transmitted disease in stallions?
equine viral arteritis
how can equine viral arteritis be prevented/controlled?
what effect does equine viral arteritis have on stallions and mares?
stallions… no effect, they are just carriers
mare… abortions
how should paraphimosis be treated?
support penis with a sling/truss and then GA horse to gently but firmly replace penis and purse string suture across preputial orifice
how is priapism treated?
surgically corrected by flushing corpus cavernosum with heparinised saline under GA
what is priapism?
maintained erection in the absence of stimulation
what are two source of colic specific to stallions?
scrotal hernias and testicular torsions