Equine athlete respiratory system (Yr 4) Flashcards
what is VO2 max?
maximal aerobic metabolic rate and hence the optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise
(relates to endurance performance)
what are the secondary functions of the respiratory system?
humidification, filtering, warming air
acid-base regulation
pulmonary defence mechanism
what are some anatomical dead spaces within the respiratory system?
anywhere gas exchange isn’t occurring…
trachea, bronchioles, unventilated alveoli
how is gas transported in the blood?
oxygen is partially dissolved but mostly bound to haemoglobin
what are the three causes of increased oxygen dissociation into tissues?
increase temperature
decreased pH
increased carbon dioxide
what factors decreased pulmonary gas exchange?
increased pulmonary resistance
decreased alveolar/pulmonary compliance
dynamic airway collapse
respiratory muscle/chest wall disease
decreased cardiac output (lung/tissue perfusion)
decreased haemoglobin
what does EIPH stand for?
exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage
what is EIPH?
blood present in airways after exercise based on post-exercise endoscopy
how does EIPH appear on post-mortem?
caudodorsal areas of blue discolouration of lungs due to the accumulation of haemosiderin (iron pigment) within damaged areas of the lung
how can EIPH be diagnosed?
no consistent signs (except epistaxis)
endoscopy post-exercise or BAL looking for haemosiderophages
what are the grades of EIPH diagnosed from endoscopy?
1 - flecks of blood or short single stream extending less than a quarter of tracheal length
2 - continuous stream of blood extending at least one half of the trachea
3 - multiple streams covering more than a third of the tracheal surface
4 - abundant/pooling blood
why does EIPH occur?
extremely high pulmonary blood pressure
high inspiratory pressures
locomotory shockwaves (stomach hitting diaphragm)
what causes the prevalence of EIPH to increase in the racing population?
increases with age
does EIPH affect performance?
grade 1 and 2 don’t affect normal performance
grade 2 and 3 are associated with poor performance
why should horses be rested after EIPH?
blood causes inflammation in the airways
why does EIPH cause airway inflammation?
blood is removed an initial neutrophilic inflammation which then triggers a marked macrophage activation for phagocytosis
this leads to some fibrosis within the alveolar walls
how may EIPH influence performance?
more severe grades will promote more severe inflammation leading to chronic thickening and fibrosis of the alveolar walls and hence less efficient gas exchange
is there any treatment available for EIPH?
no (only furosemide has been shown to improve this as it is a diuretic so reduces circulating pressures)
why is the use of furosemide banned in racing?
it is a diuretic so enhances drug excretion