The stages of labour and the changes that occur during these different stages of labour Flashcards
What is the name for the 1st stage of labour up to 5cm?
What is the name for the 1st stage of labour from 5-10cm?
What is it called when the cervix is thinning?
What are the three signs of active labour?
More than 5cm dilated, regular and painful contractions, progressive dilation
What are the two signs of the passive second stage of labour?
10cm dilated, but no urge to push
How long can the passive second stage last for?
1 hour
What are the two signs of the active second stage of labour?
Expulsive contractions and involuntary pushing
What is the name of the oxytocin surge in the second stage of labour?
Ferguson’s reflex
What are six signs that birth may be imminent?
Nausea/vomiting, bulging of perineum, urge to push, burning sensation, coccyx/sacrum bulge and anal cleft line between buttocks
What is the name of the bulging that may occur at the base of the spine during the second stage?
Rhombus of Michaelis
What are the three things that the placenta does in the 3rd stage of labour?
Placenta separates, living ligatures contract and placenta is expelled
How long is considered a ‘prolonged’ 3rd stage for both active managed and physiological?
Longer than 30 mins if actively managed and longer than 60 mins if physiological