The Relationship Between Diet And Health (Advanced Info) Flashcards
What is a balanced diet?
A diet that provides adequate amounts of nutrients and energy
Why do we need to eat food in the right balance?
In order for:
Providing the energy we need to survive, to keep us healthy and to help fight disease
Growth and repair of body tissue
All bodily functions, which depend on the energy and trace elements found in the food we eat
Stopping us feeling hungry
Health and well being, since eating is seen as a pleasurable and enjoyable experience
What is the Eatwell Guide?
A healthy eating model, to encourage people to eat the correct proportions of food to achieve a balanced diet
How many portions of fruit and vegetables should be eaten daily?
5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables
Fruit and veg are a good source of….
Vitamins, minerals and fibre
What proportion should starchy foods make up of the food we eat?
Just over a third of the food we eat should come from starchy foods
Starchy foods are a good source of…
Energy, and provide use with other nutrients
Foods containing dairy are a good source of…
Protein, calcium for strong bones and some vitamins
How much fish should we eat per week?
It is recommended that we eat fish at least twice a week and that one of these is oily fish
How much red and processed meat should be eaten per day?
70g per day
How much fruit juice/smoothies should be drunk per day?
150ml a day
What can reducing the amount of saturated fat in our diet do?
It can: Reduce the risk of heart disease Lower blood cholesterol Reduce the risk of obesity Prevents cancer
How much saturated fat should be eaten everyday?
Men should have no more than 30g
Women should have no more than 20g
Reducing the amount of sugar can…
Reduce the risk of obesity and tooth decay
What is the recommended maximum free sugars intake for adults?
No more than 30g/day
What are free sugars?
They are added to foods and drinks by manufacturers, cooks or consumers and found naturally in honey, syrups and fruit juice
Reducing the amount of salt can:
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Reduce the risk of stroke
How much salt should adults consume daily?
No more than 6g per day
What are the 8 tips for healthy eating?
Base your meals on starchy foods (preferably wholegrain varieties)
Eat lots of fruit and veg
Eat more fish - aim for 2 portions a week; one of these should be oily
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
Eat less salt - adults should eat no more than 6g per day
Get active and try to maintain a healthy weight
Don’t get thirsty - drink plenty of water
Don’t skip breakfast
Why is being overweight unhealthy?
It puts a strain on the organs of the body.
It can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, varicose veins, breathlessness and chest infections
It can also cause unhappiness and low self esteem
Factors which contribute to the risk of heart disease:
Low levels of exercise Smoking Family history of heart disease High blood pressure Raised levels of cholesterol Obesity
How is high levels of cholesterol in the blood bad for you?
Cholesterol is a substance made in the liver and carried in the bloodstream.
The cholesterol can build up and be deposited with other material as ‘plaque’ on the walls of the arteries, causing them to narrow.
This can eventually lead to a heart attack as the arteries become blocked by a blood clot or more ‘plaque’
How to reduce the risk of heart disease?
Eat a varied diet Eat more fruit and veg Eat more starchy carbohydrates Take regular physical exercise Don’t smoke Have fish instead of meat Use unsaturated fats Cut back on the fat on your diet and cooking
What is type 1 diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin.
Type 1 diabetics have insulin injections daily and need to have a carefully balanced diet
What is type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed with older people. Diets high in sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes.
It is treated with a healthy diet and increased physical activity.
What is diverticulitis?
Diverticulitis is a condition which affects the large intestine.
It is often linked to having a diet which is low in fibre. The lining of the bowel becomes inflamed, infected and damaged
What are the symptoms of diverticulitis?
Pain and discomfort in the abdomen and feeling bloated
When is our bones at their strongest?
Between the ages of 20 and 35, when our peak bone mass is reached
What nutrients strengthen our bones?
Calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus
What is osteoporosis?
When the bones start the lose minerals and their strength and break easily
Tooth decay is caused when….
The bacteria in your mouth feed on the sucrose found in the food you eat to produce an acid. The acid then causes small holes in your teeth (dental cavities)
What is anaemia?
A disease caused by the lack of iron in the diet
Why does the body need iron?
We need iron as it forms haemoglobin, which gives blood its red colour and carries oxygen round the body to the cells
Who is at the most risk of developing anaemia?
Women and children
What are the symptoms of anaemia?
Tiredness and lack of energy