The Reformation Flashcards
The Reformation (small summary)
The demand for religious
changes in the church
Martin Luther was obsessed with…
He was obsessed with his own sinfulness so he joined
monastery so that he would overcome his guilt.
What did martin Luther realize
how did he achieve this?
He realized that he only needed to rely on God’s mercy.
was achieved by faith alone.
What is an indulgence?
It released a sinner from a certain period of punishment before they went to heaven.
why was indulgence an issue
because this dude named johann was selling these indulgences as part of a
fund-raiser to pay for St. Peter’s church
who called for luther’s arrest and burning of his works
Emperor Charles V,
The primacy of faith,
Faith and the Bible
The Bible is the sole source of religious authority, and FAITH ALONE.
Sacraments and the Mass
Baptism and Eucharist are the only ones
mentioned in the Bible.
Christian aka
Lutheran aka
Translation of the Bible
The translation of the Bible was completed in
what are two ways lutheranism spread
printing press
broadsides and princes/rulers are two of the ways
Lutheranism spread
So if the people followed Luther then what would happen to them?
they could lose their titles
So if the people didn’t follow Luther what could also happen?
they could blackmail the
church to becoming Lutheran
In the 1550’s half the population was
Lutherans ( All hail Luther)
The compromise was made in 1555 that each prince was allowed to…
determine the religion of his own territory
What was similar with lutherans
they accepted Baptism and Eucharist
what was different with lutherans?
the body of Christ was consumed only in spirit.
Inquisition :
An inquiry for the discovery of heresy
what did the jews pretend to do?
Pretended to accept Christianity but kept original beliefs
How did the Edict of Grace work?
if you knew you did heresy you had the chance to confess
How did the Act of Faith work
if you were accused of heresy u were
What was the cruel punishment of inquisition ?
what happened if u didnt fess up ?
physical abuse or torture.
If one did not confess, they were burned at the stake.