Post WW1 Flashcards
**Emperor Puyi **
emperor puyi continued to live in the
Forbidden City and was treated
with enormous respect.
Emperor Puyi
a warlord, Chang Hsun decided to
emperor puyi to the throne
Emperor Puyi
Six days later after emperor puyi was given throne a
dropped three bombs on
the Forbidden City.
Emperor Puyi
abandoned him and
he lost his throne.
Emperor Puyi
The Japanese set up a new
country in
Manchuria called Manchukuo. They made Pu Yi the Chief
Emperor Puyi
in 1950, Pu Yi was forced
to leave his comfortable Russian
Village and
was sent to a
prison camp.
Yuan Shikai
-Between 1876 and 1895, Japan
and China
struggle for influence
in Korea
Yuan Shikai
-1885, Japan and China split
influence in Korea equally
Yuan Shikai
-1894, Japan defeats
China for
control of Korea
Yuan Shikai
-Boxer Rebellion,
he ignored (Yuan Shikai)
Court’s policy of support of the
Boxers. He protected foreigners
under his jurisdiction.
Yuan Shikai
-Assigned to work on
a modern
Chinese military after China’s
Yuan Shikai
yuan shikai was commander of
best trained military in the
north of China.
Yuan Shikai
After the death of Yuan Shikai, China
China slipped into twelve years of civil war and
Sun Yat-Sen
became very
Sun Yat-Sen
–Couldn’t practice medicine
due to no medical license
Sun Yat-Sen
–Kidnapped by Ch’ing dynasty
while in London who
planned to
send him to China for execution
Sun Yat-Sen
–Based in Tokyo and
developed three principles
People’s Nationalism
People’s Democracy
People’s Livelihood
Sun Yat-Sen
–The Ch’ing pressure obliged
to expel Sun in 1906
(He dies in 1925 and Chaing Kai-shek takes over in China)
**Nanking Decade 1927—1937
Northern China
–During the 1920s, many floods,
drought and famine killed millions.
Nanking Decade 1927—1937
–Many western missionaries helped to
rebuild roads, famine relief and
rural credit cooperatives.
Nanking Decade 1927—1937
–The Nationalist leader of China at that time during the agrarian crisis,
Chaing Kai-Shek, mistrusted peasant organizations.
Nanking Decade 1927—1937
Chaing Kai-shek
investor in Shanghai
(–Set up secret Fascist organizations called Blue shirts)
Nanking Decade 1927—1937
Chaing Kai-shek
–Liked by West,spoke English,
western clothing, Harvard
The Long March (1935) Chaing Kai-Shek captured by Manchurian warlord and demanded that he
stop the civil war and join the United Front
against Japan. )
The Long March
–The leader of the Communists at this time
was Mao Zedong.