Post WW1 Flashcards
pages 25-48 (mostly short answers)
Temple at Amritsar
Temple at Amritsar
April 3, 1919
Site of a large peaceful gathering
Temple at Amritsar
what happened at Temple at Amritsar
April 3, 1919
orders from the british had banned public meetings. The announcement was either ignored or not heard.
Temple at Amritsar
What was the RESULT of the temple at amristar situation?
General Dyer had 50 soldiers open fire to clear the field
and killed 379 people and wounded 1,100.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
(Great Soul)
worked as a lawyer in South Africa and experienced racism first hand
Mahatma Embraced…
the Hindu tradition of Ahimsa
Mahatma adopts the idea of
(passive) resistance.
Mahatma –Admires the Western thinkers
like Henry David Thoreau and
idea of
Civil Disobedience
refusal to obey an unjust law.
Gandhi and the Salt March
Britain held a
monopoly on salt
Gandhi and the Salt March
The march ends when
when he picks up
salt and declares he is shaking the foundations of
the British Empire
The march ends on April 6, 1930
Gandhi and the Salt March
who marched to the city of dandi ?
Gandhi and 78 followers marched 240 miles to the
city of Dandi.
Fascism in Italy
Fasces— a
bundle of sticks with
an ax wrapped around it. It was
a symbol of ancient Rome.
Fascism in Italy
How does it work?
It is any authoritarian government that
is not communist.
Fascism in Italy
As an economic system, fascism is
capitalist veneer.
What are the characteristics of fascism?
-Discipline and loyalty
-Individual to serve the state
-The state is absolute
-Rooted in extreme nationalism
Fascism in Italy
Why did it surface?
(started by..)
It was started by Benito Mussolini and unemployed
former soldiers
Fascism in Italy
Who followed Fascist ideas/thinking?
Business leaders, wealthy landowners
and lower middle class.
Fascism in Italy
Why was Fascism so popular?
It revived national pride and offered a
stable government.
Fascism in Italy
The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual
who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the
Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts
men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for
them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)
this is..
distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his
1928 autobiography:
The Rise of Nazism in Germany
Treaty of Versailles