The present subjunctive Flashcards
When is it used?
When its trigger is used
How to form it
1) Conjugate into present regular YO form : tener > tengo
2) drop the final “o” to create the stem : tener > teng-
3) add the appropriate ending to the verb
What are the endings for AR verbs
e es e emos éis en
What are the endings for ER/IR verbs
a as a amos áis an
What does the subjunctive mean
What is CASE 1 of the triggers
wishing / advising / requesting … that somebody else does something
Case 1 trigger: I want that
Quiero que
Case 1 trigger: I hope that
espero que
Case 1 trigger : i wish that
deseo que
Case 1 trigger : I ask that
pido que
Case 1 trigger : I advise that
aconsejo que
Case 1 trigger : I say that
digo que
Case 1 trigger : let’s hope that
ojalá que
case 1 trigger : i need that
necesito que
case 1 trigger : i recommend you that
te recomiendo que
case 1 trigger : I suggest you that
te sugiero que
case 1 trigger : i advise you that
te aconsejo que
What is CASE 2 of the triggers
after expressions of: joy, hope, anger, other emotions, lile, dislike ....... that somebody else does something
Case 2 trigger : I like
me gusta que
Case 2 trigger : i hate
odio que
Case 2 trigger : i prefer
prefiero que
Case 2 trigger : I;m fed up with
estoy harto de que
Case 2 trigger : i’m happy that
estoy contento de que OR me alegro de que
Case 2 trigger : (something) bothers me
me molesta que
Case 2 trigger : (something) worries me
me preocupa que
Case 2 trigger : (something) seems unfair to me
me parece injusto que
Case 2 trigger : it’s unfair that
es injusto que
Case 2 trigger : it’s unbelievable that
es increible que
How many irregulars are there
Irregular : ser - to be
sea seas sea seamos seáis sean
Irregular : ir - to go
vaya vayas vaya vayamos vayáis vayan
Irregular : estar - to be
esté estés esté estemos estéis estén
Irregular : saber -to know
sepa sepas sepa sepamos sepáis sepan
Irregular : haber -to have
haya hayas haya hayamos hayáis hayan
Irregular : Dar - to give
dé des dé demos déis den
Stem change : AR verbs
stem-change in all but the nosotros/vosotros form
ALMORZAR = to have lunch
almuerce almuerces almuerce almorcemos almorecéis almuercen
stem change : ER verbs
stem-change in all but the nosotros / vosotros form
QUERER = to want
quiera quieras quiera queramos queráis quieran
Stem change IR verbs
Stem-change in all, but in the nosotros / vosotros form change the E-> I or O -> U where appropriate
MENTIR = to lie
mienta mientas mienta mintamos mintáis mientan
Spell - changing verbs : Verbs ending in CAR
change C —> QU
Spell - changing verbs : Verbs ending in GAR
change G —-> GU
Spell - changing verbs : Verbs ending in ZAR
change Z —-> C
What is the acronym for the usages
W: wishes, desires, orders E: emotions I: impersonal expressesions R: recommendants and suggestions D: doubt and verbs of belief used negatively O: ojalá (if only)
phrases that require the subjunctive: so that provided that unless in case without before the fact that provided that
a fin de que / para que con tal (de) que a menos que en caso de que sin que antes (de) que el hecho de que siempre que
Set subjunctive phrases whatever happens be that as it may whatever he does / i do wherever it comes from whatever they say
pase lo que pase sea como sea haga lo que haga venga de donde venga diga lo que digan
Conjunctions of time: as soon as while when until however much after no matter how much
tan pronto como / en cuanto / luego que mientras cuando hasta que por mucho que después que por más que
When to use conjunctions of time with subjunctive
if the main clause is in the future or a command
Subjunctive in relative clauses
use subjunctive when the antedecent (the word the clause modifies) is indefinite or negative
e.g i need a doctor who speaks Spanish
indefinite expressions are always followed by the subjunctive: whoever whenever wherever however whatever
quienquiera cuandoquiera dondequiera comoquiera cualquiera