The past tense (preterite) Flashcards
When is it used?
Describing an action, completed in the past, that has only been done once.
I was born, I went on holiday to spain.
How is it formed?
1) taking off the AR, ER and Ir endings from infinitive
2) adding the appropriate endings
-AR endings
é aste ó amos asteis aron
-ER & -IR endings
í iste ió imos isteis ieron
Irregular common verbs
Ir (to go)
Hacer (to do/make)
Tener (to have)
Ser (to be)
Ir forms in preterite (went)
fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
Ser in preterite form (was/were)
fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
Tener in preterite form (had)
tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron
Some irregular verbs change in their radical in the preterite. They are: to walk to be to have to fit aux. to have to be able to to put / place to know to make / do to want to come
andar - anduv- estar - estuv- tener - tuv- caber - cup- haber - hub- poder - pud- poner - pus- saber - sup- hacer - hic- querer - quis- venir - vin-
Some verbs have a change in their spelling in order to keep the same sound in the pronunciation.
There are 3 types of spelling change and these ONLY occur in the YO form…
group 1 = verbs ending in -gar
group 2 = verbs ending in -car
group 3 = verbs ending in -zar
What happens with group 1 in spelling change
insert a -u- before the -é
Examples of group 1 spelling change are :
I played
I payed
I was called
Jugar - yo jugué
Pagar - yo pagué
Llegar - yo llegué
What happens in group 2 spelling change?
the -c- changes to -qu- before the -é
Verbs that follow group 2 spelling change pattern are: I practiced I parked I looked for I stood out I justified I took out/took a picture I touched / played an instrument
practicar - yo practiqué aparcar - yo aparqué buscar - yo busqué destacar - yo destaqué justificar - yo justifiqué sacar - yo saqué tocar - yo toqué
What happens in group 3 of spelling change?
the -z- changes to -c- before the -é
Examples of group 3 spelling change are: I started I authorised I began I organised I prayed I symbolised
yo empecé yo autoricé yo comencé yo organicé yo recé yo simbolicé
SER and IR have identical conjugations in the preterite, it is…
fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
Decir and traer follow the same pattern conjugations, as well as
Atraer (to attract)
Distraer (to distract)
Decir in preterite
dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijisteis dijieron
Traer in preterite
traje trajiste trajo trajimos trajisteis trajieron
Dar in preterite
di diste dio dimos disteis dieron
Ver in preterite
vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron
Stem changing verbs that end in -IR have a stem-change in the 3rd person (he/she/it and they/them). What are the changes
O -> UE = -u-
E ->IE = –i-
E -> I = -i-
For verbs with a vowel before the verb ending (-ER or -IR) there is also a change in the 3rd person singular (el/ella) and plural (ellos/ellas). What are the changes
- i - changes to - y -
other persons take and accent on the - i -
Verbs that follow the I ----> Y change are to fall to fall down to read to hear
What are the changes of verbs ending in -UIR- in the third person singular and plural - however no accent on the -i-
i ——> y
Verbs that follow -uir change to build to contribute to run away, flee to include to influence
construir contribuir huir incluir influir
All of the verbs ending in -UCIR- have what change
Verbs that follow the -UCIR change to drive to deduce to introduce to reduce to translate
conducir deducir introducir reducir traducir
The follow words will tell you straight away to use the preterite yesterday the day before yesterday last week last night last month the other day last year then two days, years ago yesterday morning
ayer anteayer la semana pasada anoche el mes pasado el otro día el ano pasado entonces hace dos días, anos ayer por la manana