The Pathophysiologic Basis for Common Clinical Manifestation Ch.3 Flashcards
An individual’s normal breathing pattern is composed of
tidal volume (Vt), ventilatory rate, and inspiration- to- expiration (I/E ratio)
In a normal adult Vt is about ______ or ____ to ____
500mL (7 to 9 mL/kg)
Ventilatory rate is
I/E is about
_________ is defined as the “breathlessness” or “SOB” or the labored/ difficult breathing felt and described ONLY by the patient
Common types of dyspnea include
- positional dyspnea
- cardiac dyspnea
- exertional dyspnea
- paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- renal dyspnea
Positional dyspnea occurs only when pt is
in the reclining position; orthopnea
Cardiac dyspnea is_________ breathing, caused by _______ disease
labored breathing caused by heart disease (CHF)
Exertional dyspnea is provoked by
physical exercise
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is a form of respiratory distress related to
posture (especially reeling while sleeping).
Proxymal nocturnal dyspnea is associated with what diseases?
CHF with pulmonary edema
Renal dyspnea is difficulty in breathing as a result of
kidney disease
During normal periods of eupnea, the individual has no sensation of difficult breathing. What matches?
Demand- to- breath matches capability- to- breath
During periods of significant exercise, normal individual’s capability - to- breathe may be challenged to meet the
As ____________ consumption increases
increased demand- to -breath as oxygen consumption increases
Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) Questionnaire is used for?
Accessing the Severity of Breathlessness in those who can speak
The Borg Dyspnea Scale is used in patients who
cannot communicate b/c of mouthpiece, ET tubes, tracheotomies
Abnormal ventilatory patterns happens when
- the anatomic alterations of the lungs associated w/ a specific disorder
- the pathophysiologic mechanism that develop b/c of the anatomic alterations
To evaluate and asses the various abnormal ventilatory patterns, the following ventilatory must first be understood (5)
-Lung compliance
-airway resistance
-peripheral chemoreceptors
-central chemoreceptors
-pulmonary reflexes
The ease with which the elastic forces of the lungs accept a volume of inspired air is known as
lung compliance
Compliance determines
how much air in liters the lungs will accommodate for each centimeter of water pressure change in distending pressure
Lung compliance can either
increase or decrease
Increased lung compliance is good except in
Emphysema is when lungs have lost all
elasticity (hyperinflation)
Normal lung compliance is
0.1 L/cm H20
change in volume (L)/ change in pressure (cmH20)
Decreased lungs compliance means lungs are
stiff and cannot expand
Decreased lung compliance is seen in
asthma attacks, pulmonary fibrosis, ARDS, pulmonary edema, PNA
The pressure difference between the mouth and the alveoli divided by the flow rate
Airway resistance (Raw)
The rate at which a certain volume of gas flow through the airways is a function of…
pressure gradient and resistance created by the airways to the flow of gas
Raw =
change in pressure( cm H20)/ V(L/s)
Normal Raw in TB tree is about
1.0 to 2.0 cm H20/ L/ s
Decreased resistance is _____
Increased resistance is _____
good/ bad
What can also increase Raw?
________ is defined as the force multiplied by the distanced move
Work =
force x distance
Peripheral chemoreceptors are activated by_______ and are triggered when Pa02 falls below ______
hypoxemia; 60
A decreased arterial oxygen level (hypoxemia) is a result of decreased (3)
ventilation-perfusion ration (V/Q), pulmonary shunting, and venous admixture
When the diaphragm becomes significantly depressed or comprised what is activated?
Accessory muscles of inspiration
The major accessory muscles of inspiration are
- Scalenes
- Sternocleidomastoids
- Pectoralis major muscle groups
- Trapezius muscle groups
This is activated when Raw become significantly elevated
Accessory muscles of expiration
The major accessory muscle of expiration are
- Rectus abdominus
- External oblique
- Internal oblique
- Transversus abdominis
_______-____ ___________ occurs in patients during the advanced stages of obstructive pulmonary disease
Pursed- lip breathing
The positive pressure (back pressure) provides the airways w/ some stability which offsets
airway collapsed and air trapping
This may be seen in patients with severe restrictive lung disease such as PNA and ARDS (mainly seen in infants)
substernal and intercostal retractions
Intercostal is the
skin in between the ribs
Substernal is
below the sternal
Superclavicular is
above the clavicle
Retractions mean
the skin sinks down into bony structures when trying to breathe
Severe resistance to taking a deep breath is a symptom of pleuritic pain is called (❤️ pillow)
Usually described as a sudden sharp or stabbing pain
pleuritic chest pain
pleuritic chest pain happens in what diseases (5)
lung cancer
plueral effusion
____ __________ _______ pain is described as constant pain that is usually located centrally
Nonpleuritic chest pain
Nonpleuritic chest pain happens in (4)
myocardial ischemia
pulmonary hypertension
local trauma of chest cage,
The inspection of the pt’s extremities should include (4)
-Altered skin color (e.g cyanotic, pale, red, purple)
- digital clubbing
- peripheral edema
- distended neck veins
The termed is used to describe the blue-gry or purplish of the mucous membrane, finger tips and toes whenever the blood in these areas contains 5 g/dL of reduced hemoglobin.
Is characterized by bulbous swelling of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes.
Digital clubbing
Peripheral edema is seen in pts with
Flow from the major veins of the chest that returned blood to the right side of the heart may be compromised is called (neck)
Distended neck veins (Jugular venous distention)
__________ _________ production is commonly seen in respiratory disease that cause an acute or chronic inflammation of the TB tree
Excessive sputum
What should be assessed in sputum
Sputum volume, appearance, viscosity, and odor
Acute sputum may be a cause of the
cold or flu
Chronic sputum may be seen in
cystic fibrosis , COPDers
Coughing up blood or blood tinged sputum from the TB tree is called
Vomitting blood is called
A sudden audible explosion of air from the lungs is called
For a cough to be affective you need 3 things. What are they?
- deep inspiration
- partial closure of the glottis
- forceful contraction of accessory muscle of expiration to expel air from the lungs
What are some causes for a non productive cough?
- irritation of the airway
-inflammation of the airways
-mucous accumulation
-irritation of the pleura
For a productive cough the RT should access (3)
-Is the cough strong or weak
- Is it a loud cough
-Is sputum being coughed up? If so how much , color and odor
What is the average total compliance of the lungs and chest wall combined?
0.1 L/cm H20
When lung compliance decreases, what is normally seen?
- Tidal volume usually decreases
- Ventilatory rate usually increases
What is the normal airway resistance in the TB tree?
1.0 to 2.0 H2o/L/s
When the systemic blood pressure increases, the aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors initiate reflexes that causes what to decrease
- Decreased ventilatory
- Decreased heart rate
What is the anteroposterior- transverse chest diameter ratio in the normal adult?
What muscles originate from the clavicle? (2)
- Sternocleidomastoid muscles
- Pectoralis major muscles
Which of the following is associated with digital clubbing?
- Chronic infection
- Local hypoxemia
- Circulating vasodilators
- Arterial hypoxemia
Which of the following is associated with pleuritic chest pain?
- Lung cancer
- Tuberculosis
Signs of dyspnea include
-labored breathing
-retractions of intercostal spaces
-use of accessory muscles
-distressed facial expression
-flaring of the nostrils
- paradoxical breathing
Borg dyspnea scale
- no SOB
0.5 slight SOB
1 - Mild SOB
- Moderate SOB
5.Strong or hard breathing
6 - Sever breathing
9 - SOB so severe I need to stop and rest
Abnormal ventilatory patterns that occur suddenly (minutes to hours maximum) are classified as
acute onset conditions
Abnormal ventilatory conditions that develop slowly (days to months to years) are classified as
chronic conditions
__________ _______ pain intensifies during deep inspiration and coughing and diminished during breath holding and splinting
Pleuritic chest pain
Is generally not worsened by deep inspiration
Nonpleuritic chest pain
When lung compliance decreases ventilatory rate __________ and ________ ________ increases
decreases and tidal volume (vt)
Common measurements that can be calculated from a single forced vital capacity (FVC)
FEV1/FVC ratio
FEF2 200-1200
FEF 25%-75%
A decreased DLCO is a hallmark clinical manifestation in
In obstructive DLCO is decreased only in _______ and normal in _________
emphysema; restrictive
The ____________ ____________pressure the pt is able to generate against a closed airway and is recorded as a ________ number in either cmH20 or mm
The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) ; negative
In a normal adult the MIP is
-80 to 100 cm H20
A forceful expiratory effort against an occluded airway and is reordered as a _______ number in either cm h20 or mm
Maximum expiratory pressure (MEP); positive
The adult normal MEP is greater than
100 cm h20 males
80 cm h20 in females
What is the PEFR in the normal healthy woman 20-30 y/o
450 L/min
A restive lung disorder is confirmed when the
- FEV1 is decreased
- FEV1/FVC ratio is normal or increased
In obstructive lung disorder
-RV is increased
-VC is decreased
Under normal conditions the average DLCO value for the resting man is
25 mL/min/mm hg
What is the normal percentage of the total volume exhaled during an FEV1
Which can be obtained from a flow- volume loop?
4.FEF 25%-75%
An obstructive lung disorder is confirmed when the:
1.FEV1 is decreased
2. FVC is increased
3. FEV1 is increased
4. FEV1/FVC ratio is decreased
1 and 4
What Anatomic alterations of the lungs is or are associated w/. restricted lung disorder