Other Important Tests and Procedures Ch. 9 Flashcards
Another name for red blood cells
The healthy man has about ___ million RBC’s
Another word for white blood cells
The major functions of the WBC’s are to
- fight against infection
- defend the body by phagocytosis against foreign substances
- produce antibodies in the immune response
WBC’s have average
5,000 to 10,000
There are two types of WBC’s
Granular and Nongranular leukocytes
Granulocytes present in their cytoplasm
Granulocytes are divided into 3 types of groups
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils
Make up 60% to 70% of the total number of WBC’s
Make up 2% to 4% of the total number of WBC’s
Make up only about 0.5% to 1% of the total WBC’s
Activated by allergies
Primary cellular defense against bacterial organisms through a process of phagocytsis; Bacterial infection, inflammation
Ingestion of foreign material is called
Considered to be phagocytic and contains heparin, histamines, and serotonin; Myeloprolifeative disorders (blood)
2 groups for Nongranular leukocytes
Monocytes and lymphocytes
They do not contain granules
Nongranular leukocytes
The largest of the WBC’s and make up 3% to 8%
Make up 20% to 25% of WBC’s (cyte)
seen in chronic infections and malignancies
Seen in viral infections
Lymphocytes can be divided into two categories:
B cells and T cells
Makes up 10% to 30% of the total lymphocytes
B cells
Makes up 70% to 90% of the total lymphocytes
T cells
Formed in the bone marrow, further divide into either plasma cells or memory cells
B cells
Formed in the thymus
T cells
_________ are the smallest of the formed elements in the blood
What is a another word for platelets
Platelets are described as
round or oval, flattened, and disk- shaped in appearance
Where are platelets produced?
Bone marrow
What is the normal platelet count is
150,000 to 350,000 mm3
A low platelet count is called
From the back of chapter
In the healthy woman, what is the hematocrit percentage?
Which of the following represent the primary defense against bacterial organism through phagocytosis
What is the hb value for men?
14 to 16 g%
What percent of the normal WBC count are neutrophils?
60% to 70%
In the healthy man , what is the RBC count?
5,000,000/ mm3
What is the normal WBC count?
5,000 to 10,000/ mm3
Which of the following are activated by allergies ( such as an allergic asthmatic episodes?
Various clinical procedures such as bronchoscopy or the insertion of an arterial catheter are generally safe when the platelet count is no lower than which of the following?
50,000/ mm3
Which of the following are associated with hyperglycemia? (4)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Myocardial infraction
- Thiazide and loop diuretics
- Acute infection
Which of the following are clinical manifestations associated with hyponatremia
- Seizures
- Confusion
- Muscle twitching
- Abdominal cramps
This can be obtained by expectoration tracheal suction or bronchoscopy
Sputum examination
Gram negative organism examples
Haemophilus influenzae
Legionella pneumophial
Gram- Positive organism examples
Streptoccus (80% of all bacterial pneumonias)
Viral Organism examples
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Respiratory syncytial virus
Acute infection is what color sputum
Bronchial astma sputum
Thick, stringy and white mucoid
Presence of old blood, fresh blood
Brown or red
A sample for _____________ ___________ can be obtained by expectoration, tracheal suction, bronchoscopy
sputum examination
This test is performed to diagnose bacterial infection, select an antibiotic, and evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and takes 48 to 72 hours
culture and sensitivity study
This is perfumed to classify bacteria into gram- negative or gram- positive, and is a faster test
gram staining
gram negative is
gram positive is
pink; purple
Cytology is defined as
the study of cells
This is performed to determine the presence of acid fast bacilli and is done with 3 early morning sputum samples(TB)
acid- fast smear and culture
A _______ test is done to identify allergic reactions or exposure to TB
skin test
A positive skin test results indicates
the patient has been exposed to the antigen but does not mean the pt has that active disease
A negative test result indicates
the patient has had no exposures to the antigen
3 mm >means,
and will need the following test perform to clarify that
positive; 2nd skin test, blood test, chest X-ray
Bronchoscopy can be
diagnostics or therapeutic
Performed when an infectious disease is suspected and not otherwise diagnosed or obtain a lung biopsy sample when the abnormal lung tissue is located on or new the bronchi
diagnostic bronchoscopy
Involves injecting a small amount (30 mL) of sterile saline through the bronchoscope and withdrawing the fluid the examinations
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
This used to diagnose Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Therapeutic bronchoscopy includes
- suctioning of excessive secretions or mucous plugs, especially when lung atelectasis is present
- removal of foreign bodies or malignant lesions obstructioning airways
3.selective lavage - management of life- threatening hemoptysis
Performed during a bronchoscopy to help establish the stage on lung cancer
endobronchial ultrasounds (EBUS)
This test is used to inspect and perform biopsy of lymph nodes in the anterior mediastinal area…. and is used to diagnose
Mediastinoscopy; carcinoma, granulomatous infections and sarcoidosis
A small incision is made into the chest wall, and a device called thoraoscope is inserted………
and can diagnosed TB mesothelioma, and metastatic cancer
_______________ bronchoscopy is a 3D bronchoscopy done as part of CT
Procedure in which excess fluid accumulation (pleural effusion) between the chest cavity and lungs (pleural space) requires a long needle
Maybe perform to identify the cause of pleural effusion
Diagnostic thoracentesis
Maybe performed to relieve SOB or pain caused by a large pleural effusion
Therapeutic thoracentesis
Performed to prevent the recurrence of a pneumothorax
Complications of plerodesis are
-pneumothorax and respiratory failure
-Talc and doxycycline can cause fever and pain
The study of blood
The CBC includes
RBC’s, Hb, hematocrit, total WBC and at least an estimate of platelet count
types of anemia
- iron deficiency
- pernicious anemia
- sickle cell anemia
High WBC means what kind of infection
Bacterial infection
Low WBC means
Viral infections
Name WBC’s that increase Bacterial infection, inflammation
WBC’s increase Allergic reaction, parasitic infection
WBC increase Myeloproliferative disorders
WBC increase chronic infections, malignancies
Lymphocyte WBC increase
viral infection
In a healthy man the Hct is…… in women its…….. in newborns its
45%; 42%; 45%-60%
Mean cell volume ranges from, for both men and women
Glucose normal value
70-110 mg/ dL
Common abnormal findings for glucose
-Hyperglycemia (excess glucose level)
-Diabetes mellitus
-Acute infection
-Myocardial infarction
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) normal value
80-120 wacker units
Common abnormal findings for LDH (increases)
-Myocardial infarction
-chronic hepatitis
-pulmonary infarction
Serum glutamic oxlocetic transaminase (SGOT) normal range
8-33 U/ mL
SGOT abnormal findings increases with
- myocardial infarction
-pulmonary infarction
Aspartate aminotransferase normal ranges (AST)
7- 40 units/L
(0.12- 0.67)
AST abnormal findings increases with
- Acute aminotransferase hepatitis
-liver disease - myocardial infarction
- pulmonary infection
Bilirubin normal ranges
Adult 0.1- 1.2 mg/ dL
Newborn 1-12 mg/ dL
Bilirubin abnormal findings increases with
-Massive hemolysis
- hepatitis
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) normal ranges
8- 18 mg /dL
BUN abnormal findings increases with
Acute or chronic renal failure
Serum creatine normal ranges
0.6- 1.2 mg/dL
Serum creatine abnormal findings increases with
renal failure
Sodium (Na+) normal values
136-142 mEq/ L
Na+ abnormal findings
- Hypernatremia (excessive Na+)
- Dehydration
- Hyponatremia (low Na+)
- Sweating
- Burns
Clinical manifestations of Na+
- Desiccated mucous membranes
- Flushed skin
- Great thirst
- Dry tongue
- Seizures
Potassium (K+) normal ranges
3.8- 5.0 mEq/L
K+ abnormal findings
- Hyperkalemia (excess K+)
- Renal failure
- Muscle tissue damage
- Hypokalemia (low K+)
- Diarrhea
Clinical manifestations of K+
- irritability
- nausea
- diarrhea
- weakness
- hypotension
Chloride (CI-) normal ranges
95- 103 mEq/L
Calcium (Ca++) normal ranges
4.5- 5.4 mEq/L
Ch.p 10
Oxygen therapy protocol treats
Broncho pulmonary hygiene protocol
Signs or symptoms of retained secretions
Coarse crackles indicates
retained secretions
Lung expansion therapy protocol treats
Volume loss, or atelectasis
Aerosolized Medication Therapy protocol treats
Bronchospasm; COPD or Asthma
Clinical data:Opacity on chest radiograph
Assessment:Infiltrates or effusion
What is the Treatment?
Treat underlying condition
Clinical data: Restrictive pulmonary test values
What is the Treatment?
No specific, effective respiratory care treatment