The Orbit and Eye Flashcards
Membrane that lines the inner eyelid
Palpebral conjuctiva
What is the bulbar conjuctiva?
Membrane that lines the surface of the eye
This is a potential space between the palpebral and bulbar conjuctiva
Conjunctival sac
Whatare is the fornices?
Conjunctival reflections from eyelid to the eye
What are the tarsal glands?
Special kind of sebaceous glands at the rim of the eyelids that are responsible for keeping the eyes moist
What is the orbital septum?
A membranous sheet that acts as the anterior boundary of the orbit. It extends from the orbital rims to the eyelids. It forms the fibrous portion of the eyelids.
What are the eyelids of the eye called?
Superior and inferior tarsus
This connects the lateral angles of the superior and inferior tarsi to the zygomatic bone
Lateral palpebral ligament
Where does the medial palpebral ligament attach?
Anterior lacrimal crest
Bones that make up the medial wall of the orbit
Frontal Lacrimal Sphenoid Ethmoid Maxilla palatine
What bones make up the floor of the orbit?
What bones make up the posterior wall of the orbit?
What bone makes up the roof of the orbit?
Where does the optic canal open up into the orbit?
Greater wing of sphenoid
The sperior orbital fissure is part of what bone?
The inferior orbital fissure is part of what bones?
The infraorbital foramen is in what bone?
What foramen is found in the frontal portion of teh orbit?
What structures are found in the optic canal?
Opthalmic a.
What structures are found in the superior orbital fissure?
Opthalmic vv.
What structures are found in the supraorbital notch/foramen?
Supraorbital n. and a.
What structures are found in the inferior orbital fissure?
Infraorbital n.
Zygomatic n. and a.
What structures are found in the infraorbital foramen?
Infraorbital n. and a.
The ethmoidal n. is a branch of what nerve?
What muscles of the eye are innervated by CN III?
Levator palpebrae superioris Inferior oblique Superior rectus Middle rectus Inferior rectus
What innervates the lateral rectus muscle?
Abducent nerve (CN VI)
What eye muscle does the trochlear nerve innervate?
Superior oblique
What does the lacrimal nerve innervate?
The lacrimal gland and gives off branches to the conjunctiva and skin of the superior eyelid
This branch of CN V1 provides sensory innervation to the superior eyelid, scalp, and forehead
Frontal n
This is the sensory nerve to the eyeball
Nasociliary n.
Branch of the nasociliary n. supplies the eyelids, conjunctiva, and lacrimal sac
Infratrochlear n.
Sensory nerve that transmits impulses from the retina to the brain
Artery and vein that starts at the ophthalmic artery and exits the orbit at the supraorbital notch to supply the forehead and scalp
Supraorbital a. and v.
Where does the infraorbital artery run?
From the maxillary artery along the infraorbital groove and out to the face
Nerve that carries sensory fibers from the skin and parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal nerve
Zygomatic n.
What are the two branches of the zygomatic nerve?
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Zygomaticofacial nerve
The zygomatic nerve is a branch of this nerve
What does the infraorbital nerve innervate?
Lower eyelid
Upper lip
Part of the nasal vestibule
What nerve supplies the ethmoidal air sacs?
Branch of the ethmoidal n. that provides sensory branches to the nasal cavity
Anterior ethmoidal n.
Thin middle layer of ciliary aa and vorticose vv
What is the ciliary body?
Smooth muscle around the lens for accommodation.
This is the smooth muscle behind the cornea that controls pupil size
What does the pupil do?
Aperture that adjust the amount of light that enters the eye
Muscle of the iris that is sympathetic
Dilator pupilae
Muscle of the iris that is parasympathetic
Sphincter pupilae
What is the retina?
Natural layer of the eye which receives light rays
Oval region of the retina for visual acuity
Macula lutea
The macula lutea is only visible under this type of light
What is the fovea centralis?
Most acute vision site at center of the macula
The region where CN II and retinal vessels enter/exit
Optic disc
What is the cornea responsible for?
Refraction of light in the eye
This focuses light rays and near or distant objects on the retina
What is the aqueous humor?
Watery filling anterior to the lens
The gelatinous filling posterior to the lens
Vitreous humor
This produces tears
Lacrimal gland
What does the lacrimal canaliculi do?
It transports tears to the lacrimal sac
This drains tears to the nasolacrimal duct
Lacrimal sac
What does the nasolacrimal duct do?
Drains tears thru the nasolacrimal canal
Where is the nasolacrimal canal located?
Under inferior nasal concha
What is the action of the levator palpebrae superioris m.?
Raises upper eyelid
What muscle elevates and adducts the eye?
Superior rectus m.
What is the action of the inferior rectus m.?
Depress and adduct eye
What is the action of the lateral rectus m.?
Abducts eye
What is the action of the medial rectus m.?
Adducts eye
What muscle depresses and abducts the eye?
Superior oblique
What muscle elevates and abducts the eye?
Inferior oblique
Nerve fibers found between the eye and optic chiasm
Optic n.
X-shaped intermingling of nerve fibers
Optic chiasm
Nerve fibers from the optic chiasm to the brain
Optic tract
What are the two visual fields?
Visual field that crosses over the chiasm
Visual field that remains ipsilateral
Lesion that results in total blindness in affected eye
Optin n. lesion
An optic chiasm lesion results in this
Loss of peripheral vision
An optic tract lesion results in this
Ipsilateral nasal visual field loss and contralateral temporal visual field loss
This receives parasympathetic synapses from CN III
Ciliary ganglion
The ciliary ganglion sends these nerves to the posterior eye
Short ciliary nn.
The ciliary ganglion supplies parasympathetics to these muscles
Ciliary m.
Pupilliary sphincter m.
If there is a CN III parasympathetic lesion , this happens to the pupil when lit with a pen light
Remains dilated
Three divisions of CN V1
Nasociliary n.
Frontal n.
Lacrimal n.
Branches of the nasociliary n.
Ethmoidal n.
Infratrochlear n.
Long ciliary nn.
Branches of the frontal n.
Supraorbital n.
Supratrochlear n.
What does the lacrimal nerve innervate?
Lacrimal gland
Artery that gives rise to all aa. of the eye
Opthalmic a.
What does the posterior ciliary aa supply?
Outer and middle layers of the eye
This a. supplies the inner layer of the retina
Central retinal a
What does the ethmoidal aa supply?
Anteriot cranial fossa
This artery supplies the central region of the forehead
Supraorbital a.
What does the supratrochlear a. supply?
Medial region of the forehead
The lacrimal gland anastomoses with this artery
Middle miningeal a.
Veins that drain from the upper and lower medial orbit
Superior and inferior opthalmic vv.
The upper and lower opthalmic vv. anastomose with this vein.
Facial v.
Vein the runs from the retina and drains to the cavernous sinus
Central retinal vein
What do the vorticose vv. come from
Vascular layer of eye
The vorticose vein drains to these veins
Superior and inferior opthalmin vv.