Oral Cavity Flashcards
What is the posterior boundary of the oral cavity?
Palatoglossal arch
What is the function of the soft palate?
Closes nasopharynx from oropharynx when swallowing
The hard palate is this portion of the oral cavity
Anterior 2/3
What muscle make up the palatine aponeurosis?
Tensor veli palatini m.
Palatoglossus m.
What is the function of the palatine aponeurosis?
Moves soft palate to close off oral cavity during swallowing
The muscular body of the soft palate
Levatro velipalatini m.
The tendon of the tensor palatini muscle is held in place by this
Pterygoid hamulus
What is the action of the levator veli palatini m.?
Raises the soft palate from the sides
Where is the levator veli palatini m. found?
Along the eustachian tube
Where does the descending palatine a. descend through?
Palatine canal
What are the two branches of the descending palatine a.?
Greater and lesser palatine aa.
What does the greater palatine a. supply?
Anterior palate
What does the lesser palatine a. supply?
Posterior palate
The ascending palatine artery is a branch of this
Facial a.
The palatine a. is a branch of this
Ascending pharyngeal a.
Venous drainage of the soft palate is supplied by these
Pterygoid and pharyngeal plexuses
Motor function to the soft palate are supplied by these nerves
Mandibular n.
Vagus n.
Preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to the soft palate is supplied by this nerve
Greater petrosal n.
The deep petrosal nerves supplies this to the soft palate
Postganglionic sympathetic innervation
The tensor veli palatini nerve is derived from this embryonic area
First pharyngeal arch
The palatine tonsils are located behind this muscle
Palatoglossus m.
Bleeding from this vein is common during tonsilectomies
Paratonsillar v.
This nerve may be damaged during a tonsilectomy
The lingual nerve is a branch of this
Where does the lingual nerve emerge?
Between lateral and medial pterygoid mm.
Where is the submandibular ganglion located?
Level of third molar
The submandibular ganglion is suspended from this nerve
The submandibular gangion relays parasympathetic fibers from this nerve
Chorda tympani n.
The parasympathetic fibers of the submandibualr ganglion travel to these glands
Where are the sympathetic fibers of the submandibular ganglion from?
External carotid plexus
Where is the hypoglossal nerve located?
Deep to posterior belly of the digastric and styloidhyoid mm.
The hypoglossal nerve ends here
Posterior tongue
What is the function of the hypoglossal n.?
Motor innervation to posterior tongue
What is the action of the glossopharyngeal n.?
Sensory innervation to posterior tongue
What are the muscles of the tongue?
Palatoglossus m. Styloglossus m. Hyoglossus m. Genioglossus m. Intrinsic mm.
The intrinsic muscles of the tongue do this
Alter the shape of the tongue
What is the action of the genioglossus m.?
Protrude tongue
Unilateral paralysis of the nerve affects straight protrusion
Artery that supplies most of the superficial structures of the oral cavity
Facial a.
What artery supplies the deep oral cavity?
Lingual a.
What are the three branches of the lingual a.?
Dorsal lingual a.
Deep lingual a.
Sublingual a.
What is the function of the chorda tympani n.?
Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
The fibers of the chorda tympani n. travels with this
Lingual n.
What is the function of the glossopharyngeal n.?
Taste and sensory to posterior 1/3 of tongue
What is the function of the vagus n.in the oral cavity?
Taste ans sensory from root of tongue and epiglottis
Nerve that supplies sensory to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Lingual n.
The ASA and MSA are branches of this
Infraorbital a.
The PSA is a branch of this
Maxillary a.
The inferior alveolar a. is a branch of this
Maxillary a.