Anterior Cervical Triangle, Cervical Viscera and Root of the Neck Flashcards
Boundaries of the anterior cervical triangle
Anterior = Median line of the neck Posterior = SCM Superior = Inferior border of the mandible
Superficial muscle of the anterior cervical triangle
Which branch of the facial nerve innervates the platysma?
Cervical branch
Where does the facial vein run?
From angle of eye and drains to internal jugular vein
Vein that has two branches and runs behind the mandible
Retromandibular v
The posterior branch of the retromandibular vein joins this vein and drains to the EJV
Posterior auricular v.
The anterior branch of the retromandubular vein joins this vein and drains to the IJV
Facial v.
Where does the anterior jugular vein run?
Middle of neck and drains to EJV
This connects the facial vein and the Anterior jugular vein.
Communicating branch
What does the internal jugular vein drain?
Brain, anterior face, and cervical viscera
Where does the transverse cervical nerve run?
Across middle of SCM
What does the transverse cervical nerve supply?
Skin of anterior triangle
What is found in the carotid sheath?
Internal jugular v
Carotid a.
Vagus n.
the common carotid a bifurcates into these aa
External and internal carotid aa
What does the external carotid a supply?
External head and neck
What does the internal carotid a supply?
Anterior and midbrain
What does the vertebral a supply?
Posterior brain
What does the thyrocervical trunk supply?
Lower neck
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
Digastric m.
Mylohyoid m.
Geniohyoid m.
The anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle is separated by this tendon
Intermediate tendon
Muscle that is the floor of the submental and submandibular triangles.
Mylohyoid m
What triangle is the stylohoid muscle located in?
Where is the geniohyoid muscle located in relation to the mylohyoid muscle?
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
Sternohyoid m
Sternothyroid m.
Thyrohyoid m.
Omohyoid m.
Where is the sternohyoid m located?
Lateral to midline, from hyoid to sternum
Where is the sternothyroid m.located?
Deep to the sternohyoid, from the thyroid cartilage to the sternum
Where is the thyrohyoid muscle located?
Deep to the sternohyoid, from the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone.
Where is the omohyoid m. located?
Superior belly runs from the hyoid to the intermediate tendon.
Inferior belly runs from intermediate tendon to the shoulder area
What are the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
Superior = Inferior border of the mandible
Anter inferior = Anterior belly of the digastric m
Posterior Inferior = Posterior belly of the digastric m.
What are the contents of the submandibular triangle?
Submandibular salivary gland and lymph nodes Facial vessels CN XII Marginal mandibular branch of CN VII Mylohyoid branch of CN V3
What are the boundaries of the submental triangle?
Left lateral = Left anterior belly of the digastric m
Right lateral = Right anterior belly pf the digastric m
Inferior = Hyoid bone
What are the submental triangle contents?
Mylohyoid m.
Submental lymph nodes
Small veins
What are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
Anterior = Median line of the neck
Posterior superior = Superior belly of the omohyoid m.
Posterio inferior = SCM
What are the contents of the Muscular triangle?
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid and thyrohyoid mm
Thyroid, parathyroids, traches, esophagus, common carotid a.
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
Anterior superior = Posterior belly of the digastric muscle
Anterior inferior = Superior belly of the omohyoid muscle
Posterior = SCM
What nerves are located in the carotid triangle?
Accessory Vagus Hypoglossal Ansa cervicalis Laryngeal
The vagus nerve runs parallel with this artery
External carotid
The accessory nerve passes beneath what two muscles?
The hypoglossal nerve runs between what two muscles?
What cervical levels does the ansa cervicalis originate from?
The superior root of the ansa cervicalis innervates what area?
Sternohyoid m
Sternothyroid m.
The posterior root of the ansa cervicalis innervates what area?
Inferior belly of the omohyoid m.
The superior thyroid artery is a branch of this
External carotid artery
What artery supplies the thyroid?
Superior thyroid a.
What branches off the superior thyroid a.?
Superior laryngeal a.
What artery pierces the thyroid membrane?
Superior laryngeal a.
What nerve runs with the Superior thyroid a.?
Internal laryngeal n.
This is the second anterior branch of the external carotid a.
Lingual a.
Where is the lingual artery located?
Posterior to the greater horn of the hyoid bone.
Where is the superior thyroid a. located?
Inferior to the greater horn of the hyoid bone
What does the lingual artery supply?
Inferior surface of the tongue
The third anterior branch of the external carotid a.
Facial a.
Where is the facial a. located?
Superior to the lingual a.
Ascends over inferior border of the mandible
What does the facial a. supply?
First posterior branch of the external carotid a.
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Where is the ascending pharyngeal artery located?
Close to the common carotid bifurcation
What does the ascending pharyngeal a. supply?
Pharynx and tonsils
Second posterior branch of the external carotid a.
Occipital a.
Where is the occipital a. located?
Under posterior belly of the digastric m.
`What does the occipital a. supply
Neck and scalp
This branch of the occipital a. does to the SCM.
Muscular branch
The muscular branch of the occipital a. hooks over this cranial nerve
Third posterior branch of the external carotid a.
Posterior Auricular a.
What does the posterior auricular a. supply?
Scalp behind the ear
Where is the posterior auricular a. located?
Superior to the posterior belly of the digastric m.
This connects the right and left lobes of the thyroid gland
The isthmus usually covers these tracheal rings
2nd to 4th
This ascends from the isthmus to as high as the hyoid gland, and may be missing in up to 50% of cases
Pyramidal lobe
Where is the superior thyroid a. located?
From the external carotid artery to the superior gland
Where is the inferior thyroid a. located?
From the thyrocervical trunk to the inferior gland
Where do the superior and middle thyroid veins drain to?
Internal Jugular vern
Where does the inferior thyroid vein drain to?
Brachiochephalic v.
This is found on the posterior of the thyroid gland.
Parathyroid gland
During a thyroidectomy, these may become damaged or removed
Where are the recurrent and external layrngeal nerves located?
Just posterior and deep to the thyroid gland
Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve causes this
Paralysis to most of the laryngeal muscles
Damage to the external laryngeal nerve causes this
Paralysis to the cricothyroid and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles
This procedure may be done in cases of airway obstruction
Tracheostomy or tracheotomy
Where are the sympathetic trunks located?
Anterior to prevertebral mm and posterior to cervical viscera
What 3 sympathetic gamglia are found in the cervical region?
Superior cervical
Middle cervical
Where is the superior cervical ganglia located?
Anterior to the longus capitus m
Where is the middle cervical ganglia located?
Posterior to the thyroid gland
Where is the cervicothoracic ganglia located?
Inside the thoracic inlet
All parasympathetic innervation to the neck is provided by this nerve
The autonomic nervous system is composed of these type of nerves
This relays the sympathetic innvervation to the neck
Sympathetic trunk
The autonomic nervous system controls these functions
The thoracic duct drains these areas
Left upper limb, head, neck, thorax, abdomen and lower limbs
Where is the thoracic duct located?
Posterior to the esophagus and arching left
Where does the thoracic duct enter the venous angle?
Between left subclavian v and left internal jugular v
What does the right lymphatic duct drain?
Right upper limb, head, neck and thorax
Where does the tight lymphatic duct enter the venous angle?
Between right subclavian v. and right internal jugular v
Where is the thyrocervical trunk located?
From subclavian a. medial to the anterior scalene m.
The transverse cervical and suprascapular aa cross over this nerve
Phrenic n
The inferior thyroid a runs here
Posterior to carotid sheath and thyroid gland
Where does the vertebral v drain?
Into brachiocephalic v
Where is the vertebral a. located?
Posterior to vertebral v and deep in the neck.
It is a branch of the subclavian a.
What are the boundaries of the sternocleidomastoid triangle?
Medial = Sternal head of SCM Lateral = Clavicular head of SCM Inferior = Clavicle
What are the contents of the SCM triangle?
Internal jugular v
This may be performed for insertion of a venous line
Internal jugular vein puncture or
Subclavian venous puncture