the open ocean- plankton Flashcards
define plankton
• Plankton: organism that lives in water column, too small to swim counter to currents
mega (>20cm); macro (2-20cm); meso (0.2-2cm);
micro (20-200µm); nano (2-20µm); pico (0.2-2µm);
femto (<0.2µm)
7 types of plankton
• Mixotrophic plankton (such as protists)
meroplankton (part); holoplankton (all); neuston (surface); pleuston (protrude)
• Bacterioplankton (heterotrophic and autotrophic)
• Virioplankton (infect plankton).
what phytoplankton contribute to 50% of photosynth
Protists and bacteria = 50% of the worlds photosynthesis and O2
what do diatoms dominate as? how can they restore full size
- Dominate as nanoplankton (2-20um) or microplankton (20-200um)
- Auxospore formation (sexual):to restore full cell size
what can diatoms produce
Can produce domoic acid (neurotoxin
where do dinoflagellates dominate? size?
- Dominate subtropical and tropical
* Nano to micro
what characteristics do dinoflagellates exhibit
- Have theca (overlapping cellulose plates)
- Rapid reproduction
- Resting stages (cysts)
- Some bioluminescent
describe red tides
○ Often red blooms not toxic
Neurotoxins saxitoxi;brevetoxin
describe • Haptophytes (coccolithophoridae; haptophyceae)
• Less than 20 um, 1-2 chromatophores, haptonema
○ Cocolithophores
○ unicellular nanoplankton; coccoliths (shelled) & naked forms
○ form large deposits
describe • Silicoflagellates (crystophyceae)
- Unicellular;biflagellate
- Silica scales
- Dominate in antarctic
describe green algae
- Rare in open water
- Dominate estuaries; lagoons
- Flagellated or non mobile
describe Cryptomonad flagellates
• Widespread in estuaries
Unique chrolophyll a; c; phycobilin
describe cyanobacteria
- Dominate near shore ( restricted circ)
- Nitrogen fixers and photosynthesizer
- Trivia: red sea named after Trichodemium erythraeum
- Cyanobacterial toxins
describe • Prochlorophytes
- Recently discovered
- 0.6-0.8 um
- Most abundant in the ocean
- Contribute 1/3 to 4/5 of all productivity
- Unique chlorophyll termed divinyl (accessory pigment)
describe other new bacterial groups
- Use proterhodopsin - photoprotein
- E.g. group Alpha proteobacteria do not produce O2
- Bacterioplankton in this group amount may exceed total biomass of all phytoplankton
- associated with POC’s and/or on zooplankton
plankton viruses?
- Very little known about these
- Most common infectious agents 10^10 /L in oceans
- Regulate many bacterial/phytoplankton pops.