temperature Flashcards
why are corals bleaching
• Corals are bleaching - due to temp - it can be recovered if temp returns to what the species are adapted to
how can we measure temp
Measured by thermometers, thermistors (v. accurate), and satellite
how do oceans affect ;land temp?
- CO2 is like a blanket - sunlight is getting trapped by gases, warming the earth
- Oceans involved in heat distribution on the planet
- Acidification + rising temp is hard for organisms
biggest ocean temp range
• Biggest temp range: mid latitudes, e.g. 3 to 30 degree C
Temp effects latitudinal distribution of org. and effects metabolism
what does temp affect - distribution wise
Temp. effects latitudinal distribution of org. and effects metabolisms
define homeotherms
an organism that maintains its body temperature at a constant level, usually above that of the environment, by its metabolic activity.
Marine mammals and birds
describe poikilotherms
an organism that cannot regulate its body temperature except by behavioral means such as basking or burrowing.
Marine invertebrates, most fishes
describe intermediates
• Intermediates
○ Tuna
how is most heat lost?
• Most heat loss is at skin/exhalation
Various heat conservation mechanisms for e.g.
blue fin tuna differ about 10 o Celsius from environment
dolphins have arrangement where blood can be warmed
intermediates - not cold or warm blooded
what is Q10
Measuring changes in metabolism with changes in temp
• O2 consumption is a measure of metabolism
• With each +10 degrees C you get an increase in metabolism = Q10
• Most poikilotherms show a 2-3 fold increase in metabolism with each 10 degrees c
• Most can adapt to temp changes keeping metabolic rate constant
ex of what we can use q10 for
how poikilotherms adapt to seasonal changes (plateau)
winter vs summer collected animals
- Winter collected animals consume O2 at a higher rate than summer collected at same temp
- Indicates upper lethal temp is greater in summer collected animals than same sp. Collected in winter
2 advantages of acclimated individuals
○ Lower metabolic cost in warm water (using less o2, warm water holds less o2)
○ Able to be active in winter
what are the causes of physiological races
• Pop. Of org. with compensatory responses enabling function in different latitudes (the differences in temps)
• Lower temp = greater O2 consumption at higher lat. Than same sp. At lower lat
• Results from genetic differences and/or temp
Distribution of marine orgs. Is regulated by temp. tolerance (impacts on growth, reproduction)
ex of physiological races
mussels bay mussel - higher lat, produces more HSP and ubiquitin at higher temps better lower temp tolerence, grow slower + larger_+ live longer limited by min water temp
blue mussel
lives at lower lat, less proteins produced as the function better at higher temp, lower temp = decreased protein function, grow faster + shorter life, limited by max summer temp for distribution
latitude vs season chart in week 3
exceptions to latitudinal temp gradient
continental shelves
• Extremely shallow, massive temp changes occur here
• Shallow continental shelves heat a lot in summer e.g. cape hatteras hotter than florida
• Also air temp impact on the intertidal region
• Also tide variance w latitude
Lower tide variance combined with global warming variance = variable mortality over different lat.