guest lecture -international marine conservation Flashcards
what is identifin/finprint?
• Identifin - software
• Shark population monitoring
Indonesia - finprint,
what in water research did she do?
○ In water research = physically in water - free or scuba diving
§ Assess impacts on reefs - climate change, local fishing, recovery
problematic type of fishing in indonesia?
§ Dynamite fishing - kills corals - some species grew back faster but - race against time btwn algae settling in vs saving them
BRUVS? dowsides?
baited remote underwater video system - analyze which species come by - fish respond to your presence - if they hide your fish counts will be off but with BRUVS they will come back
§ Downsides- cost, weight
○ AI training
describe the form of underwater transect used
she used line point- accounts for height
• Predetermined path in the water, record the reoccurrence of objects or organisms
• Can be a straight line or a grid
• Film the numbers in the tape measure and what is below it - analyzed at increments later
• Species, environment, etc
• One person surveying fish, one person doing fish, one person doing the transect - 5 ppl total, surveying on each side
• Recording species that impact the coral in this case
end goal of her underwater transect? what are the pros and cons of it
• End goal - how diverse is our environment? Diversity is good for coral reefs = more resilient
• Pros and cons - can incorporate more of the environment but it does change the behavior of the fish
○ Quality not super great - your knowledge level impacts your results + accuracy
what do you need to know before monitoring?
• Fish:
○ Recognize anatomical features
§ Markings, fin shape, coloration, body shape
○ Taxonomy
○ Coral structure type
§ Branching, massive, table, foliose, etc
Behavior change in fish - if feeding from local pop impacts it
why is coral diversity good? how can fish communicate?
- More coral diversity - the better the biodiversity is for other species
- Fish communication - auditory
what is important to keep in mind when doing conservation work?
• Conservation as a whole - understand + respect cultures and how they operate + address concerns with community = anthropology
issue with dynamite fishing and algae? recommendation to replace dynamite fishing economically?
○ Ex dynamite fishing - recommended seaweed farming sustainably - agar farming
○ Some fishers taken to see how conservation improves reefs + yield
○ When algae settles in - corals cant get sunlight - algae ruins hiding places on corals for fish - parrot fish can eat this = why not leave those ones in the water to bring in more fish
§ Coming back to the area = less algae, conservation efforts working
indonesian govt policy on dynamite fishing
• Govt policies are not the end all be all
• Indonesian govt policy - impacts both those fishing commercially local and internationally, as well as those fishing for personal reasons
Partially bc of blanket sieving/ dynamite fishing - resort to fishing fish they werent targeting
what was her honors project
• Great white sharks
Dorsal fin photo identification + population analysis
how are dorsal fins used to identify sharks
Dorsal fins = like a finger print = all have different trailing edge
why are sharks hard to study?
• Difficult to study - travel large distances
objectives and questions of her project
- Can we use images of dorsal fins to identify unique individuals?
- Same sharks = population in that area - compared to mussel bay - same sharks?
- Objective: fill in the significant info gaps in shark pop dynamics by using dorsal fin identification techniques to better advocate for shark conservation policies
• Hypothesis:
1. Using dorsal fin identification will allow us to provide insight on pop dispersal
Support existing genetic evidence of panmixia around the south african coastline
conservation challenges
• Lack of data
• Lack of fisheries data and existing research
• Anthropogenic activities
○ Over fishing
○ Targeted fishing of sharks
○ Climate change - temp, acidity - sharks migrating more north bc cooler
• Negative public and government opinion of sharks has limited funding to protect them
○ Slowly changing
how does identifin work
• Identifin
○ Traces distinct notch pattern
○ improve speed of matching and data analysis
○ Separates fin from background (ocean/ wave noise)
results of her project. why might it become a protected area?
• Only 1 shark was the same from gansbaai and mossel bay
○ Site fidelity - why? - majority of sharks identified were female - half were adults and half were juveniles
○ Potentially a nursery
○ Most vulnerable stage = more likely to be protected by govt