The note-making sound Flashcards
What does resonance mean?
That the quality of the vocal sound is deep, full and reverberating.
What is the function of resonators?
To enhance and amplify the note. Giving a tone and audibility which is not harming, instead enhancing vocal tones
What are the main resonators?
- the mouth 2. the pharynx (throat) 3. the chest 4. The abdomen 5. the nasal cavities 6. the crown of the head
Is the effectiveness of the resonance depend on?
The size of the resonating cavity (nose, mouth, chest, forehead etc). The size of it opening or orifice. The smaller the cavity the higher the note. especially nose and mouth cavity
Name a note making sound exercise
Hand on chest. Make a sliding siren sound from the chest voice up into your head. Keep a loose jaw. Imagine you’re pulling this sound instead of pushing it or your voice may break. Feel vibration occurring. Moves from your sternum to your head
What does articulation mean?
Accuracy which is achieved when the correct organs of articulation are used
What are the organs of articulation?
- Mouth 2. Lips 3. teeth 4. tongue 5. Soft and hard palate
Name The first tongue twister
Proppa cuppa coffee kettle proppa cuppa coffee cup
Name the second tongue twister
Red lorry yellow lorry
Name the third tongue twister
The big black bug bleeds black blood
Name the fourth tongue twister
She stood on the balcony door, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping and amicably welcoming him in
What are the tools of modulation?
Pitch, pace, power, pause, inflection and tone
What does modulation mean?
A variety in pitch, pace, power and so on. Opposite of monotonous and boring. Interesting and engaging
What are changes in pitch?
- Accentuate 2. Emphasise 3. Show a change of thought 4. Show emotional involvement
What does power mean?
Degree of force, loudness or volume place on a word or phrase using projection. Accentuation of syllables emphasis of words creation of rhythm Gradual increase of power can help create climax
What does pace mean?
Rate of speech and use of calls. Particular piece as a habit. Fast pace make space intense emotion, excitement or building to a climax. A medium pace for a normal conversation, description, narration, reportage and reflection. Slow pace might express sorrow, dignity or solemnity
What is a pause?
Arrest or stopping a voice. Allow us time to take a deep breath. Emphasise a word to allow listeners to understand what is being said Indicate a change of thought React non-verbally to something Avoid a monotonous pace Build suspense Play with rhythms of prose or poetry
What is the rhetorical pause?
Placed before the word a to make the audience make a mental question. To anticipate what is to follow.
What is the oratorical pause?
Pause after a word to make the audience reflect upon what has been said. Creates a strong dramatic effect.
What is the emotional pause?
Indicate a disturbed state of mind due to extreme sorrow, anger or tiredness. Ilogical pause placed anywhere. Indicates confused mental state